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This is part 1 of a double update x


Saturday 15th April, 2023

"You ready, Jagger?"

Mickayla is grinning at me brightly, the power of her smile rendering me breathless like it always does. Her pretty face is all lit up thanks to the fairy lights strung between the buildings of the narrow Soho side street we stand on, the neon sign of twenty-four hour parlour Tattoo 13 that we're outside of, and just pure excitement from how fun tonight has been so far as well as what's about to happen now.

Yet despite knowing how eager Micki is for me to get tattooed, I can also see that she's wiped out. It's a little after three a.m, and we've now long left our loved ones at the nightclub that we spent the better part of four hours dancing in and having fun at.

Being a little over thirty-five weeks pregnant and having a wild night out has well and truly taken its toll on ma chérie amour. I can see it in her eyes; her pools of honey melted like they always are whenever she's tired.

With one of her hands held in mine, I give it a quick squeeze while sending her a soft smile and nodding my head away from the tattoo shop, "I am, however you look a few minutes away from heading to sleepy town, riot girl. We'll go home and come back another day, yeah?"

"I'm absolutely fine, Harry. I'm so awake right now." She's quick to rebuttal, only to lose the argument she attempted to make by yawning hard.

I can't help but laugh with a look of 'told you so' written all over my face. Mickayla giggles with a sheepish expression, but her stubbornness prevails as her grin grows some more.

"It's only a little design, we won't be here long." She bargains, now sticking her bottom lip out all cutely while giving me doe eyes, "C'mon, sunshine boy. We said this would be our last hoorah for a while with Stevie Sun joining us soon. Let's go out with a bang, and then let's go home and bang."

I snicker and smirk, "Let's not run before we can walk."

My response earns me one of Micki's famous eye rolls that I've become very fond of punishing her for giving out. The sight of it now has my cock twitching and my tongue tutting.

"Careful, love. Don't think that just because you're pregnant and knackered that I won't fuck you silly here and now for giving me sass."

At that promise, Mickayla grins and steps forward a little more. Her head tilts back and eager eyes dance between my own, her expression telling me that that's exactly what she wants before she even has to say the words.

"So do it, Harry." She hums, her lips ghosting over my own in a way that makes me hotter and harder, "Put your money where your-"

Another yawn, this one cutting off her speech and even bigger than the first. I can't help but laugh again while watching her eyes water from its strength; my insides feeling as gooey as her pretty gaze looks.

Micki recovers from the fatigue interruption and gives me another sheepish smile, "Mouth is."

I'm chuckling at her wilful ways, "Have I ever told you that I love you?"

"Mhm, but tell me again anyway."

"I love you, I love you, I love you."

She grins brightly and bashfully, "I love you, I love you, I love you too."

I'm quick to meet Mickayla's mouth for a series of short and sweet kisses. Her smile is felt against my own, and her fingers lace through my hair as mine splay across the small of her back. Bump presses against my belly; our daughter receiving some love and affection as well.

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