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Monday 5th September, 2022

"You and Mickayla had S-E-X?!"

"Sarah! Belly's literally right there!" I point to my goddaughter; the three of us sitting crossed legged on a picnic blanket in my garden having a tea party with the sun shining down on us.

I'm given a deadpan look, "Harry, she's four. She's not got a clue and she's definitely not listening, either." Sarah plants a kiss on her daughter's cheek which earns a giggle from her, "Are you, Smelly? You're not listening to Mumma and Uncle Harry."

"Nope." Bella grins, much too focused on pouring me a pretend cup of tea.

"Still..." I eye her up warily, huffing a sigh. I'm already regretting opening my mouth, but Sarah did ask me about the Paris trip, "Yes. We did."

She gasps with her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree "Where? When? How many times?"

"Jesus Christ, woman. What is this, high school?!" I laugh sarcastically.

"Spill it, Styles. You don't get to drop a bombshell like this on me and not give me all of the details." Sarah grins with a slightly threatening look in her gaze now.

"Here you go, Uncle Harry!" Bella cuts in, handing me my empty plastic daisy-printed teacup, "Drink up fast before it gets cold!"

I give her a bright grin, "Why thank you, Belly!" I sip and 'mm' as I do, a series of giggles leaving her lips when I start to down it and gasp dramatically after I'm done, "Wow! Best tea ever! You made it just right!"

Bella giggles some more, using the palm of her hand to push the loose strands of hair out of her face as she beams at me, "Did you like it? Like really really like it?"

"I loved it!" I grin back, nodding my chin towards Sarah, "Why don't you make one for your Mumma now?"

"Yeah, okay!"

Bella gets to work making Sarah a cup, whose eyes are on me while she smooths her daughter's hair back, "I'm waiting, Styles. I want the goss."

"Ask me one question at a time and I'll answer." I roll my eyes, taking a sip of my actual cup of tea with my hands trembling and sweating a tad.


"Paris. At the Louvre."

"The F-U-C-K-I-N-G Louvre?!" Sarah whisper-shouts, earning a chuckle, nod and a blush from me. She giggles like a teenager next, taking the cup from Bella when it's handed to her, "Thank you, baby. D'you wanna go and watch football with your Daddy? I need to talk to Uncle Harry about some grown up things."

Bella grins and nods fast as she stands up, "Okay, Mumma. Can I come back out to play afterwards?"

"Absolutely. Uncle Harry's friend is coming over soon, so maybe you two can play together if you'd like?" Sarah speaks to her daughter, but smirks at me. My heart is hammering at the mere thought and mention of Micki.

"What's their name?" Bella asks curiously.

"Mickayla, but Uncle Harry calls her Micki."

"Can I call her Icki?"

I bust out into laughter, nodding fast, "Absolutely you can. She'll love that."

Bella's big blue eyes are on me now and she's grinning hard, "Does Icki like tea?"

"Mhm, she loves it. As much as I do! I'm sure she'll love a cup from you, Belly."

With that, Bella giggles excitedly before she takes off into a sprint, her pigtails flying out behind her as she screams "Daddy! Daddy!" for Mitch. I hear him call out "Bella bambino!", which makes Sarah and I grin. Their relationship is the cutest.

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