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SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING: there's a moment in this chapter that won't be for everyone. If you're one of those people, don't leave negative comments. Just skip ahead or close the app. I will delete your remark and I will block your account. It's a natural thing that happens, and I won't deal with any immaturity about that.

Another long one. I'm thinking this will be the last super long one of the story, but we shall see. Buckle in! X


Wednesday 1st February, 2023

Harry really is a man of his word. It's been twelve days since he first kissed me again, and he's barely stopped.

A serious snogging session occurred outside of the Pavillion, and the only thing that broke us apart was the sound of the married couple and the rest of the room leaving the building. The rain had ended by that point, but the applause and whistles from everyone sending Sarah and Mitch off replaced it.

Harry and I were quick to join in once he'd cleared my face of mascara stains and I rubbed the lipstick marks I left around his mouth. He hugged me from behind with his hands linked beneath bump; the back of my head resting against his shoulder as we smiled and cheered for the couple.

I still had his jacket on, but the warmth no longer came from that. It never did.

It came from sunshine boy, of course.

Sarah and Mitch caught our eye and sent us a bright smile while giving a knowing and happy nod before they got into the back of the hired Rolls Royce and were driven away. The clattering of cans attached to the bottom of the car echoed out, mixing melodically with the celebratory noises of seventy-odd people.

Everyone started dispersing soon after, making plans to go out and continue the party now that the wedding was over. Our remaining drunken loved ones were coming up with their own arrangements, too, but they didn't bother asking Harry and I if we were interested.

One look at us wrapped up together told them that we would have said no thank you. They knew without either of us saying a thing that we wanted to be alone, and I've never seen them all so smiley and happy for us as they did then.

I was driven to the venue in the Rolls with Sarah and we got ready for the big day there, but Harry had made his own way with Mitch by driving them in his Ferrari. That was my mode of transportation to Harry's house once he collected my bag for me, which is where I've spent the better part of two weeks.

I asked him if I could spend the night that would soon become twelve more. I hardly finished asking before Harry said yes over and over again between kisses.

The journey back, however, was seriously delayed. I was barely in the car with the door opened and closed for me by Harry before he was in it as well and kissing me once more; his sweet tongue exploring my mouth and his soft hands cradling my face.

We both hummed and whined and smiled as we embraced, fluctuating between gentle pecks and desperate nips. An hour passed of us necking on, uninterrupted by our daughter that time, and only ended when I pushed Harry away with a giggle.

His blown out eyes met mine. Even in the dark, I could see how flushed and frantic he was. I knew I was looking the same way, too.

"Sorry to stop you, Jagger, but I'm bursting for a wee. I also really need to take my bra off. It's killing me."

Harry smirked, "I mean I can help you with that last part."

"Nice try." I scoffed.

He wasn't done trying, though.

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