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French translations are in the comments!


Sunday 25th September, 2022

"Don't fuck Harry in the kitchen! I've just finished cleaning it."

It's barely seven a.m, but the kitchen is spotless. Elin, the one ruling the kitchen as a no-sex zone, always wakes early on a Sunday to give it as well as the rest of the flat a thorough clean because she's an adorable psycho.

"I'm making no promises." I tease. Pauli cackles at my response from their lounged position on the sofa in the living room while Elin scowls at me. Her mouth now opens again to threaten me no doubt, but Pauli gets in first before she can say a thing.

"Don't be giving Mickayla orders like that when I walked in on you and Ariza doing the no pants dance in the hallway the other night."

At that I'm laughing loudly with a wiggle of my brows while Elin blushes a furious shade of red, "El! Who'd have thought that you and Ariza would be so feral?! Couldn't have walked the few more steps to your room before tearing into each other, no?"

"Oh, shut it Miss. I Fucked At The Louvre." She spits back with a smirk. I told her and Pauli all of the gossip less than five minutes after arriving home from Paris, "You're no better than I am."

"The Louvre was a far classier joint than the corridor of our gaff." I scoff.

"You got it on in a public restroom. People have pooped in there."

"SD's pooped in the hallway."

"Just don't fuck him in the kitchen, okay?!" Elin splutters while trying her best to fight laughter. She loses, though, and giggles like I do, "I'm serious, Mickayla. We have to eat there."

I give her a cheesy grin as I stand from the kitchen table with my now empty bowl of what was once filled with oats and honey, "Save yourself the headache, El. Harry and I won't be fucking anywhere. I told you it was just a one-off. We're besties. That's it."

"Mhm. Whatever you say." Pauli butts in, earning a middle finger from me.

"We are! Yes, we fancy each other and yes, we've slept together. It's going no further than that, though. I've explained the situation to him and the pair of you, too. Harry's managing just fine in understanding that, so I don't get why you're both struggling with it!" I exclaim, dropping my dish into the sink to wash it with my eyes darting between my friends.

"Because I know the look of love and it's your permanent expression, M." Elin counters with a smirk.

"And love is literally in my surname, so I definitely know it, too." Pauli adds with their own wry smile.

I throw my hands up in exasperation, a crazed sounding laugh leaving my lips as I look between them both, "I give up. Don't you both have somewhere to be today?!"

They grin and laugh at me; Elin nodding, "Yes, we do." She turns to Pauli and starts to walk towards them, "C'mon. We're not gonna find our million-pound antique here. I wanna get to the market stalls in time for them opening up."

"Can't believe I agreed to wake up this early on a Sunday." Pauli stands, yawning as they stretch before downing the rest of their coffee. They pass by Elin and into the kitchen where I still stand by the sink, "Can't believe Louvrer Boy's coming over this early, too. He must have a thing for morning sex... it's a good way to start the day!"

I roll my eyes so hard it hurts, "Be careful, Lovejoy. Might just break my arrangement with Harry and shag him on your bed. Make it real messy."

"You'll be sleeping with one eye open for the rest of your life if you do that, honeypie." Pauli grins, pressing a kiss to the top of my head after putting their cup in the sink, before sauntering away towards Elin.

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