21 | PEACE

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Thought chapter 20 would be the last long one of the story, but this one takes the cake.
Settle in; she's cute and she's sexy x


Tuesday 14th February, 2023

"You're sure no one's around?"

"Not a soul, Micki love. I promise. If someone shows up, which they won't, I'll get rid of them. You're safe. Just pee."

Seemingly satisfied with my answer, Mickayla ducks down behind a bush between a cluster of trees. We're on our way back home from our early evening dinner date at Jin Kichi and decided to take a romantic stroll through the Heath, but as ever Baby Riot decided to cause havoc on her mother's bladder. The house isn't too far away, however Micki couldn't hold it until we made it back. I was quickly put onto the duty of finding her a private place to urinate.

A satisfied sigh comes from behind the hedge along with the sound of pee hitting the dirt. I can't help but laugh loudly from where I stand as look-out. There's truly never a dull moment with this wonderful woman in my life.

"Happy Micki?"

"Mhm. No better feelin', I swear to God." Mickayla murmurs, a dopey smile evident in her tone.

More laughter from me, "I'll try not to take that personally."

"You should." I can now picture her smirking as she says that, "Can you pass me the packet of tissues from my bag, please? And my hand sanitiser."

I pull Micki's bag strap down from its place on my shoulder and pull out the items, laughing while setting them into her hand that now sticks up over the foliage, "Gotta say I love how prepared you are. Pretty sure I just saw a mini first-aid kit in here, too."

"That you did, Jagger. It's good to be ready for any possibility." She says while standing tall, a cheeky grin on her face as she pulls down her dress and readjusts her coat before she steps out from around the hedge, "Look at how handy it came in right now."

Mickayla drops the used tissues in their plastic wrapping into the nearby bin before applying sanitiser and putting the bottle back into her bag that I hold open for her. I close it and swing it back onto my shoulder before taking her hand with a grin stretching my own face, my heart skipping a few beats at the feeling of her palm against mine. It always happens whenever she touches me in any kind of way; hand holding especially. I doubt that feeling will ever stop.

"I'd have carried you, y'know?" I say as we continue our journey home, her big brown eyes meeting mine as I talk, "Scooped you up in my arms and bolted so you could use an actual toilet."

Micki scoffs and smirks, "And risk pissing all over your nice shirt, ruining our Valentine's and losing my dignity? No, thanks. The hedge was fine."

"If I'm gonna let anyone give me a golden shower, it'd be the mother of my child."

"I knew you had a piss kink!" She gasps and points at me, "I fucking called it!"

I chuckle and shake my head, "You didn't call shit. I don't have a piss kink, weirdo. I'm just saying that I wouldn't have been mad if you did pee on me. Would I have let you live it down? Absolutely not. It would've been your own doing considering I told you not to have another glass of iced tea, and I told you to pee before we left the restaurant."

Mickayla shrugs her mouth and shoulders, "It was free refills and I did pee. I'm twenty-seven weeks pregnant... you know how my bladder is!"

"I know how you are. Stubborn as hell."

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