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Wednesday 15th March, 2023

"Mickayla sweetheart, do you want some more water? I've got the jug here."

"Oo, yes please, Annie Banannie. Thank you!"

"How's the latest edit coming along, Ariza? Harry was telling me it's a fiddly one."

"Nothing I can't handle! Should have it sorted by the end of the week. Sarah was telling me you've just been hired to sort out the plans for a new café in Kensington? That's sick, Mitch. Congrats!"

"Oh my god, you walked out half-way through the date?! Gemma, that's wild!"

"You would've done the exact same if you were in my position, Sarah. Trust me, the guy was a prick. You should be proud of me!"

"Pauli. For the last time, I didn't eat your grapes."

"Well somebody did, Elin, and you can't blame Mickayla for it since she's now shacked up with Harry! If it wasn't you, it was your boyfriend. I know he ate my mangos last week. I caught him red-fucking-handed!"

My face aches from the smile stretched across it as I look out across the dinner table to all of my loved ones sitting around it, with me listening intently to each of their separate conversations. It's Wednesday, which means family night, and Micki and I are hosting.

I'd been wanting an excuse to get everyone around this big ass table for a meal, and I'm so glad it's finally happening. We usually eat our meals either on the sofa or at the small round table in the kitchen situated right by Mickayla's easel and makeshift paint studio, so to finally make use of this room feels very fulfilling.

Micki helped me cook despite how much I wanted her to just sit back and relax. She wasn't having it, wanting to show off her culinary skills and play the part of the perfect host alongside me.

She's popped off with both things. The traditional English roast dinner we finished eating a couple of hours ago was divine, and her extroverted nature has really shone throughout the whole night as a co-entertainer.

Bella joined us for dinner as well, but given that it's now nine a.m, her parents set her to sleep on the bed she usually stays in whenever Micki and I babysit. The poor babe passed out mid-meal, almost falling face first into her mashed potatoes and gravy, but Mitch caught her forehead before that could happen. She'll snooze here until it comes time for everyone to leave, which I imagine will be sometime soon-ish.

But with the way I'm feeling right now, I don't ever want the night to end. It's been full of laughter and conversation, and I'm full of love and contentment.

I'd never before considered that the family I had before Mickayla came into my life was ever missing any pieces to it, but she proved me wrong. I was happy before, but I'm happier now. So happy that I feel like I could burst.

"Jagger?" Micki's hushed voice brings me out of my mind and into the moment, and I find her smiling softly at me; her hand on my thigh giving it a gentle squeeze, "You good?"

I nod fast with a bright smile, "So good. You?"

"I'm just peachy, baby. Was worried about you for a second there, though. You're being way too quiet for my liking."

At that I laugh, pushing my head forward to give her a soft, long kiss. I hear and feel her sigh softly, her whole body slumping upon our lips connecting, and her hand squeezes my thigh again. Mickayla smiles against my mouth as I smile against hers, with neither of us caring that we have company. 

We pull back simultaneously, my fingers lifting to tuck her hair behind her ear before I trace them along her gemstone necklace; her birthday gift from me that comes out on special occasions. Our eyes dance and smiles grow.

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