3- Secrets

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Lunch time rolled around and Scott ducked into an empty classroom. It was one of the science labs, which meant he technically wasn't allowed to be eating in there, though it was unlikely anyone would actually pay enough attention to him to notice. Just to be safe he positioned himself in the back corner, sitting cross legged on the floor under one of the tables, wedged into the little stool nook. It was calm in the dark empty lab, and in his position, boxed into the stool nook, Scott felt very secure. He pulled out his phone and opened his kindle app since it would be too dark to read a hard copy of a book.

A few minutes into lunch he heard the door to the lab opening and felt a slight bit of panic. Had the teacher returned to their classroom? Was he about to be caught? He probably wouldn't get in much trouble, but might have to visit Ms. Conduct for counseling. He'd had that happen before. Apparently, him spending too much time alone made the administrative staff nervous. He didn't really want to have another meeting in which he had to convince the guidance counselor that he wasn't depressed and planning on shooting up the school.

"What do you need help with in the science lab?" Scott heard a familiar voice say, along with two sets of footsteps entering the dark room. He doesn't look to see who's speaking. Scott is easily able to identify the voice as Butters.

"It's not specifically related to the lab, I guess I'm just a bit confused right now," said another hushed voice: Stan.

"Which subject are you confused on? Are you looking for tutoring? I'll do my best to help but a fair word of warning: I'm not too good at math," replied Butters.

"It's not really a school thing," Stan replied.

Scott tried to tune out their conversation as he ate his cucumber slices. People often didn't notice Scott and spilled their secrets in front of them. He didn't purposely listen in on people's conversations, others just were careless of the information they were spilling in front of him. He learned a lot of things he had no business knowing that way. Knowing such personal information about people who likely didn't know he was aware of said information made him feel a bit guilty.

"Well what is it then?" asked Butters. He sounded really curious.

"Uh so you know how Wendy dumped me a little while ago?" Stan started. "Well when it all happened, Kyle was comforting me and I kind of kissed him. I'm not really sure how I feel about it."

Scott almost choked on his lunch and had to will himself not to start coughing loudly, alerting the other boys of his presence. Now that personal info had started being shared it was too late to  just casually make himself known and walk out of the room. He had to wait it out and remain undiscovered.

There was a shuffling sound, which Scott could only imagine was Butters awkwardly moving his feet around. "I'm not really sure how to help you with that," he answered.

"Could I kiss you, you know, just to figure out if I'm actually into guys? I can't really explore it with him since he moved and all," Stan asked. It made sense why Stan would go to Butters with this. He, besides Tweek, was the only kid at school who was known by the general public to be gay (well technically he was bisexual but the point still stood).

"Oh I don't know about that. My dad probably wouldn't be too happy if he found out anything about me kissing boys. I just got ungrounded and I really don't wanna get stuck back in my room again."

"Butters, look around." Stan said, causing Scott to curl tighter into the stool nook. "Nobody's here to see. How would he ever find out?"

There was more of the shuffling sound. "Well, okay I guess it's fine," he replied, sounding a bit unsure. Scott didn't adjust his position to see if they actually kissed. The thought of watching something like that felt wrong to him. He shouldn't want to see two guys kissing, he shouldn't even think about it. It wasn't like that was something he'd ever consider doing anyway; he had no reason to be curious about it. None at all.

"So uh, did that help you figure anything out," Butters spoke up after a few moments.

"Uh yeah," Stan replied awkwardly, after a few moments pause. "I wasn't into that at all. False alarm I guess. Thanks." Scott heard the door open and footsteps exit the room. Afterwards he heard a groan from Butters and the words "I was," before he quickly exited the room as well. Scott spent the rest of lunch feeling a little guilty about witnessing this event that was clearly meant to be private. Oh well, it's not like he'd spill their secret. Who would he even have to tell anyway?


Added this chapter in just to give a little context on why Butters tells Tweek to be cautious of Craig using him to figure out his sexuality in "A New Kind of Feeling" since Butters' personal connection to that warning was never really explained.

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