14- Clyde

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    Scott couldn't get himself to sleep; he kept thinking about Clyde. The tickle of his breath against his neck as he leaned over his shoulder, the warm mushy feeling Scott got when Clyde smiled at him, the time Clyde had grabbed his hand, and the unease he felt when he saw Clyde with a girl.

    What was this weird obsession that Scott had with him? He didn't have a crush on him, the answers to the online quiz he'd taken suggested that he liked Sophie, when he thought about how he would answer those questions for Clyde it simply didn't match up.

When something happens they're the first person you want to tell.

    Scott hadn't initiated a conversation with him since elementary school. Clyde was too intimidating, not in his demeanor, but his social status. He was definitely too cool to care about what was going on in Scott's life.

You think about them all the time.

    That one was a resounding yes, but one question wasn't really enough to mean anything. It was just a fluke.

They become a priority.

    Scott had waited until he was done at Sophie's practice to see Clyde. He couldn't imagine not showing up for a practice or movie night, the thought of breaking that routine made him uncomfortable. That meant Sophie must be his priority, not Clyde.

They make you feel better about yourself.

    Thinking about Clyde so much actually made him feel a bit gross. It felt wrong.

You can't imagine life without them.

    Scott was currently trying to live life without him, but Clyde just kept popping up everywhere. Maybe the real question was did Clyde have a crush on Scott? Scott decided to list all the things he knew about Clyde.

1.)has brown hair and brown eyes.
2.)is a little chubbier than the other kids in their grade, not in a bad way, but it seems to make him insecure.
3.)is on the jv football team.
4.)is an amazing actor.
5.)lives with his dad. His mom died when he was ten, and his older sister is in college.
6.)has dated a lot of girls.
7.)is best friends with Craig, Tolkien, and Jimmy.
8.)doesn't seem to understand personal space.
9.)has a sweet tooth.
10.)can tie a cherry stem with his tongue.
11.)thinks that makes him a good kisser.
12.)thinks that's a scientific fact.
13.)h̶a̶s̶ ̶s̶o̶f̶t̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶i̶p̶s̶ is conventionally attractive.
14.)says he only kisses girls.
15.)is possibly dating Millie.
16.)makes Scott feel warm and mushy.
17.)uses cute keyboard faces while typing.
18.)just sent Scott a message, correction, multiple messages.

Clyde: It was great seeing you at lunch, you're a cool dude Scott. 😎
Clyde: If you ever wanted to sit with me and the guys, you're totally welcome to btw. =^~^=
Clyde: Did you like the cat? I think it's cute, kinda like you... no homo though. It's okay I've got socks on. ;) ;) ;)

Scott: socks?

Clyde: Yeah, it's not gay if you have socks on.

Scott: I don't think that's how it works.

Clyde: Yeah it is.
Clyde: Science 🧪

Scott: That's definitely not science.

Clyde: Yeah it is.
Clyde: Trust me, I'm an expert.🤓
Clyde: I have a phd🧾
Clyde: You can call me Dr. Donovan, expert in gay sciences.🏳️‍🌈🧬🧪

Scott: Okay one, that phd you showed me is a receipt for Taco Bell, and two, being an expert in gay science sounds pretty gay to me. I'm calling homo.

Clyde: Damn Scott, you're really coming for my throat here. :'(
Clyde: I didn't study gay science because it had anything to do with me, my best friend is gay.

Scott: Which one?

Clyde: Craig obviously.

Scott: I thought he was straight???
Scott: Wasn't that why he broke up with Tweek?

Clyde: He's in denial.
Clyde: He so wants Tweek.
Clyde: I bet you he brings Tweek as his date to movie night tomorrow.
Clyde: Wait, you should come!! :0

Scott: As your date? I'll pass.

Clyde: I didn't mean it like that :(

Scott: Suuuure.

Clyde: I'm serious!! I already asked Millie.
Clyde: You should ask Sophie.

Scott: Nah, we'll probably just hang out on our own. Thanks for the invite though.

Clyde: On your own huh? I see you ;)
Clyde: Have fun with that. ;) ;)
Clyde: Just make sure to wrap it up okay.

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