18- Haunted Hookups

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South Park Catholic Church's annual Halloween lock-in was probably the time the largest number of teens actually showed up for an event hosted by the church. Even those who weren't particularly religious couldn't pass up a good old barely supervised gathering of teens and tweens. Every year the church held a Halloween party for the children, then once the elementary kids went home the 6th-12th graders had their Halloween party. Just as expected, at 9:45 Father Maxi passed out, his loud snoring signifying the teens' total freedom.

This years attendees included Scott, Sophie, Butters, Clyde, Millie, Kenny, Stan, Pete, the new girl (apparently her name was Jade), Henrietta, Kevin Stoley, Wendy, Tolkien, Mike Makowski, Katie Gelson, Shelley Marsh, Kevin McCormick (Scott had a feeling this was the Kevin from the catwalk graffiti), Dougie O'Connell, Karen McCormick, Tricia Tucker, Firkle (who was technically a year too young but had snuck in anyway) Aaron Hagen, Bridon Guierrmo, and two eleventh grade girls named Kelly and Stacy who Scott didn't really know but apparently they were friends with Shelley.

They all basically split into three main groups: The older high schoolers (Shelley, Kevin, Kelly and Stacy) the middle schoolers (Karen, Tricia, Dougie, Aaron, and Bridon) and the rest of them. The goths made up their own sub group, occasionally splitting off from the rest but always ending up finding their way back.

The younger high school group had left the meeting hall where their sleeping bags were set up and had migrated to the church's library. Inside there were several sofas and armchairs as well as a large table and chair set. There was also an ancient TV cart hooked up to a combo dvd/vhs player. Kevin Stoley had dug through the movies and found an absolutely horrendous religious knock off of finding Nemo called finding Jesus.

"This movie sucks ass," laughed Clyde. He and Scott were sitting together on one couch with Sophie and Millie at either side. At the table Kevin and Butters were playing go fish. Katie and Mike were sharing an armchair (it was definitely a one person chair and she was practically sitting on his lap), giggling at something on Mike's phone, and goths had gone out for a smoke break with Kenny. Wendy and Tolkien had slipped out of the library a while ago, and if Scott had to guess he'd say they probably found a private spot to make out.

"Yeah it's pretty bad," agreed Scott, giggling. The storyline was boring and repetitive, and the production quality was absolutely horrendous. It was reaching that point of being so bad it was funny, though Scott doubted he'd actually be enjoying himself if he were forced to watch it on his own. Really, it wasn't the movie that was funny, it was Clyde's commentary.

Just then, Kenny and the goths returned to the room. "Yo guys, I found where Maxi keeps the church wine," Kenny announced, holding up a bottle. "Anyone up for truth, dare, or drink?"

"Count me in. I think it could be a pretty interesting game, per se," replied Mike, earning himself a quite obvious eye roll from Pete.

"Say less," Clyde agreed.

"You had me at drink," Stan chimed in.

Within a few minutes the group had turned off the awful movie and gathered in a circle for the game. Only Scott ahd Butters seemed apprehensive about it, but Scott didn't want to seem like a massive loser by being the only person to not play, and apparently neither did Butters.

"Leo, truth or dare?" asked Kenny.

"Uhh... I guess I'll go for truth," Butters replied.

"What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever gotten grounded for?" Kenny asked him.

Butters thought for a moment. "One time I got grounded because my dad thought my school pictures were ugly." A few people laughed at this, but Kenny just frowned.

"Your dad's a fucking idiot," Kenny replied under their breath.

"Okay, Katie, Truth or Dare?" Butters asked.

"Truth," Katie answered.

"Tell me about the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you at school."

"One time in gym class my pad shifted while I was jogging and of course that moment a blood clot came out, and slithered down my leg and onto the floor. Then the gym teacher found blood on the floor and made us all check ourselves to see who was bleeding and I had to do a total walk of shame out of there to fix my pad."

"Oh my god I think I would have died of embarrassment," Millie piped up.

"If it happened to me I'd bark at anyone who dared say anything about it. I refuse to be embarrassed by what conformist assholes tell me I should be embarrassed of," Henrietta chimed in.

"Hardcore, I like the way you think," put in Jade.

"Alright, well now that I'm thoroughly re-embarrassed, Pete, truth or dare?" Katie asked him, laughing awkwardly.

"Well since you all are truth choosing pussies, I'll take the dare."

Katie and Mike share a glance, smirking at each other. "I dare you to kiss Mike," Katie told him.

Pete's face turned about three shades redder and his eyes widened in shock. "You know what, I think I'll take the drink," he said, grabbing the bottle of wine and taking a long swig.

"Wow Pete, didn't know you were such a pussy, per se." Mike teased.

"I'm not a pussy, I have fucking standards. I don't kiss wannabe poser vampire douchebags." Pete spat back.

"Pigtails," Pete said, looking towards Millie. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare I guess," she replied.

"I dare you to call your mom and tell her she's a bitch."

"Seriously?" Millie complained. "I'm not about to get grounded just for a dare. Hand me the bottle." She took a long drink before turning to Scott. "Truth or dare Scott?"

Scott took a moment to weigh his options. Truth could result in being asked very personal questions with answers he was hardly able to admit to himself let alone a whole group of people. Dare somehow seemed safer, so that's what he went with.

"Feeling bold Scott? Okay I dare you to kiss whichever girl you think is the cutest," Millie told him. Scott almost sighed a breath of relief. This was such an easy one. He turned to his left so that he was facing Sophie. "Hey," he whispered, realizing at that moment that he'd never actually kissed anyone and he didn't know how to really go about it. "Do you mind if I kiss you?"

She looked pretty nervous about it too, and Scott wondered for a moment if he'd made the wrong choice. Should he have gone for some girl he didn't actually care about in case things got awkward? "Go ahead," she replied, and Scott felt his doubts melting away. Kissing Sophie was exactly what he needed to do. Surely it'd be amazing, and then he wouldn't even think of Clyde in that way anymore.

That was the expectation at least. The reality was it was a bit awkward, but not entirely unpleasant. He definitely felt a bit flustered at having done that in front of a whole group of people (Sophie looked a bit flustered too, but he was unsure if it was for the same reason), but there were none of the fireworks he was expecting. Maybe nobody really felt like that when they kissed someone. Maybe it was just something they made up for movies and romance novels.

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