29- Is This The End?

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    True to his word, Scott took time to focus on his relationship. He confessed his sins in church, though not to Sophie, and put them behind him. He put Clyde behind him. All his attention went towards Sophie, even if kissing her didn't feel quite as life changing as it did with Clyde, he convinced himself he loved her.

    For the rest of high school, it was Scott and Sophie, there was no room for Clyde in that equation. He was just an old friend, someone that Scott used to know, a secret he kept under lock and key. Clyde was right, their friendship didn't come back from that.

    Clyde spent a few months moping as Scott dove deeper into his religion and his relationship, trying his best to forget the kiss they'd shared. He went back to casually dating girls, making no mention of what they'd done. He never seemed to get into anything serious, just short relationships and random hookups. None of his relationships felt quite right. At the end of junior year Scott heard some rumors that Clyde had made out with some dude at a party, and for some reason that made his chest hurt, but he absolutely didn't wish he were the one Clyde were kissing. He'd moved on.

    A few years after graduating Scott and Sophie got married, they had kids too. He built a whole life with her, the perfect life he'd always imagined when he was young. Clyde somehow started dating Jade, who after faking a pregnancy and failing to baby trap Stan, ended up successfully doing so to Clyde. They got married, Clyde joined the military, and for eight years they moved away from South Park. Scott didn't miss him. He didn't spend those eight years counting the days until his service would be over and he would return. He was over it. He didn't think about it anymore. H̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶l̶i̶a̶r̶.

    There was no more Scott and Clyde. All they ever were was a few months of fun and an inebriated make out session that was long forgotten, and that's all they ever would be. That was the end of it. They were finished, over, done.

    Or were they?

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