19- Peer Pressure

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After a few rounds of truth, dare, or drink most of the group had significantly loosened up. Scott had only ended up taking one sip of wine, so he wasn't even buzzed, unlike some of the others, notably Stan. Turns out he'd actually brought his own alcohol as well, so when the wine bottle ran dry he pulled out his flask and started sipping at whiskey. Stan was totally trashed, giggling as he poked at Butters' face.

Clyde was pretty far gone by this point as well, and laid across the couch with his head in Scott's lap. Sophie had fallen asleep and was leaned up against him with her head on his shoulder. It was around one am at this point, and Scott was getting close to drifting off as well. He absentmindedly ran his fingers through Clyde's hair, every now and then his eyelids drooping as he almost fell asleep.

"You have such a cute sleepy face," Clyde told him, reaching up and attempting to tap Scott on the nose, but completely missing and hitting his cheek. "Oops," he said, giggling.

Somewhere in the room Kenny took a puff of their vape. "Yooo, Kenny, what flavor is that?" Clyde asked, his words slurring together as he spoke.

"Cherry," Kenny replied.

"Shit I love Cherry, pass it over," Clyde told them. Kenny tossed the vape over to him and Clyde let out an oof as he failed to catch it and it landed on his chest. "Bedankt," he replied. Apparently, sometimes Clyde randomly slipped into speaking Dutch while drunk. He took in a long breath, not even bothering to sit up while he did so, and released a cloud of steam up into the air above him. It billowed around Scott's face, momentarily suffocating him.

"Sorry Scott," Clyde told him, laughing. God he was so cute, especially with that dopey smile. The way he looked up at Scott made him feel weak; there was no way Scott could actually be mad at Clyde. "Did you want to try?" he asked, holding up the vape, waving it in front of Scott's face a bit as he failed to keep his arm steady.

Scott didn't really think he'd ever be the kind of kid to give into peer pressure when it came to drugs, he'd always firmly believed that doing them was stupid, but he felt an overwhelming need for Clyde to think he was cool. The thought that Clyde might decide he was lame after all and stop hanging out with him made his heart ache. One hit couldn't hurt right? It was just a vape; it wasn't like Clyde was offering him hard drugs or anything. Besides, he had been curious about it hadn't he?

Scott accepted the vape from Clyde's hand and studied it, realizing he didn't actually know how to use it. Clyde seemed to pick up on this and brought his hands up to show him the button. "Press this then breathe in," he instructed. Scott did as he was told, coughing as the steam hit the back of his throat.

"Wow you suck at this," Clyde teased, grabbing it back and taking another hit, once again releasing the steam upwards into Scott's face.

Kenny walked over and plucked the vape out of Clyde's hands. "Keeeennny," Clyde whined.

"Yeah no, that's enough. I'm not being held responsible for you corrupting Scott," they replied, shoving the vape back into their pocket. Scott was a bit thankful they did.

"Jesus Christ, what have you all been up to?"

Scott looked over towards the voice and saw Stan's older sister, Shelley, standing in the doorway of the library. "Have you turds been drinking?" she asked, scowling at her brother.

Stan let out a snort of laughter in response. "Guilty," he replied, drawing out the word to be much longer than necessary.

"Alright, pack it up shitheads. Time for bed," Shelley instructed. Stan's sister was quite intimidating and nobody questioned her on what authority she had to be bossing them around. They were all slightly scared by her.

Scott nudged Sophie awake. "Hey, let's get back to our sleeping bags," he whispered. She nodded, and followed him wordlessly back to the meeting hall. Inside, Father Maxi was still snoring away. Scott couldn't believe he'd slept through all the craziness that had occurred that night.

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