22- After The Party

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"Wow you two look cozy."

Scott blinked his eyes open and found Clyde snuggled into him with his head on his chest. How had that happened? They weren't touching at all when they'd fallen asleep. Craig stood at the foot of the bed with a slight smirk on his face.

"Oops guess I forgot to warn you, he's a sleep cuddler," Tolkien laughed from the doorway. From the tone of his voice, Scott was fairly certain he had purposely decided not to mention it.

Craig picked up a throw pillow off the chair in the corner and smacked Clyde in the side of the head with it to wake him. "Ugghh," he grumbled, lifting an arm to block the pillow from hitting him a second time as he sleepily buried his face further into Scott's chest. Scott simultaneously wanted to wrap his arms around him and pull him in tighter, and push him away as forcefully as he could. If Tolkien and Craig weren't staring them down it probably would've felt nice to wake up with Clyde like this, but with Clyde's friends there it was just embarrassing.

"Uh Clyde," Scott said, giving him an awkward nudge.

Clyde looked up, immediately blushing as he realized what he'd been doing. Quickly, he sat up, scrambling away from Scott. "Sorry," he apologized quietly.

"I swear to god, sometimes I think you're gayer than me, dude," Craig joked, surprising Scott. He wasn't expecting Craig to be so open with that information after spending the last three years trying to convince the whole school he was actually straight.

Apparently Tolkien was surprised by that too. "Are you just being totally open with that now?" he asked, glancing over at Scott as if to remind Craig of his existence in the room.

Craig shrugged. "I might as well be, the whole party watched me get drunk and tell Tweek I wanted to kiss him, then get brutally rejected. If the whole school doesn't know already, they will by tomorrow."

Before heading off their separate ways, Scott, Clyde, and Craig had breakfast at Tolkien's house, at which point Tolkien decided to present Craig with his award for winning the Mario Kart tournament, a bag of weed from his dad's farm.

"Give it to Clyde, I don't really want it," Craig told him.

"Really?" Clyde asked, lighting up.

"Yeah," Craig shrugged. "My mom would fucking kill me if she smelled it on me."

"Sweet dude, thanks," Clyde replied. He went to shove the bag in his pocket, quickly realizing the panda onesie had none. "Scott I don't have pockets, can I put it in your purse?"

"You have a purse?" Craig asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He means the bag I keep my diabetes stuff in. He calls it a purse because he's ANNOYING," Scott replied, rolling his eyes, which earned him an exasperated look from Clyde.

"Wow, I didn't know you were such a bully Scott," he huffed, clearly holding back a smile as he pretended to be mad.

Scott just stuck out his tongue in response.

After Breakfast Scott and Clyde walked back to Clyde's house together. Scott had left his sleep stuff from the lock-in there and needed to retrieve it before heading home. "Hey Clyde, what does ik houd van jou mean?"

"What?" Clyde seemed very surprised by this, and Scott almost thought he saw a blush crawling across his cheeks.

"You said it last night, just before we went to bed. I don't speak Dutch though," Scott replied.

"Oh, uh. It means I hope you sleep well," Clyde replied. Scott wasn't sure why he seemed so embarrassed about that. Maybe Clyde found speaking Dutch a bit embarrassing in general, like how that kid in his math class, Davíd, hated speaking Spanish in front of white people.

Scott didn't want Clyde to be embarrassed of his culture; he thought it was cool that he could speak another language, even if it was only while drunk. "I like it when you speak Dutch, it's cool," he told Clyde.


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