21- Party

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Clyde and Scott played Mario Kart for most of the afternoon. Apparently Tolkien was planning on having a tournament at his party, so Clyde wanted to get in as much practice as possible. He was pretty great at it, and destroyed Scott in nearly every round. The only one Scott even came close in was because he managed to get a bullet bill upgrade, and didn't use it until he'd already naturally caught up to about fifth place, launching him well ahead of everyone else.

At around seven, after having dinner and taking Clyde's dog on a short walk around the neighborhood, Scott and Clyde changed into their Halloween costumes. Scott was a wizard, and Clyde had on one of those inflatable Trex costumes. "Really? That's what you decided to go with?" commented Scott.

"What? What's wrong with it? Dinosaurs are cool."

"Yeah, but that thing is going to really restrict your movement. Like you'll barely be able to use your arms. I thought you were trying to win the Mario Kart tournament," Scott pointed out.

"Fuck, you're right," Clyde replied turning off the fan and shimmying out of the suit. Then he began frantically digging through his closet for something better to wear. Finally he got an idea and started digging through his pajama drawer and pulled out a panda onesie.

Clyde pulled off his jeans, stripping down to just his T-shirt and boxers before putting on the onsie. Scott blushed and looked away as he did so, not mentally prepared for him to be changing in front of him. 'Get it together Scott. Stop acting like you've never been in a locker room before,' he thought to himself.

"So what do you think?" Clyde asked, posing for Scott.

"You look like you're about to explain sexual harassment laws to me," he joked, poking fun at the weird guest speaker that they'd had in elementary school, the sexual harassment panda. Like seriously, who's idea was it to try to make the topic of sexual harassment fun for kids? It was seriously messed up.

"Who lives in the east near 'neath a willer tree? Sexual harassment panda. Who explains sexual harassment to you and me? Sexual harassment panda," Clyde began to sing the sexual harassment panda's theme song.

"Oh my god, stop," Scott laughed, trying to cover Clyde's mouth with his hand. Clyde wiggled out of his grip and kept singing.

"Don't say that! Don't touch there! Don't be nasty, says the silly bear!" Scott continued wrestling with him, trying to shut him up. Clyde fell backwards onto his bed, pulling Scott down on top of him. "He's gonna tell you what's right and wrong, sexual harassment panda."

As Clyde finished the song, Scott suddenly became aware of the position they were in. Clyde lying on his back in bed, his hands gripping firmly on Scott's wrists while Scott straddled him. Scott saw Clyde's pink tinted cheeks and felt his face heating up as a blush of his own came on. It would be so easy to lean down and kiss him. Scott's heart skipped in his chest at the thought, though ultimately he didn't have the nerve to act on it.

"Well," he said, clearing his throat as he climbed off of Clyde. "We'd better head out before we're too terribly late. Wouldn't want to miss all the fun of the party."


Clyde doesn't win the tournament. He came really close, but Craig beat him out at the last second. Scott patted a teary eyed Clyde on the back, trying to cheer him up.

"Clyde you're being a baby," Tolkien scolded him. "It's just a game dude."

Clyde crossed his arms indignantly as he continued to pout. Scott gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "You did a great job, I'm sure you'll beat Craig next time."

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