10. A Family Resemblance

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"Where do you want me to go?"  Jackson finally asks.

He has been driving around town aimlessly. Dexter fell asleep soon after we left the venue and Kayla, my sweet girl, understood that her mom was in pain so she wiped at my face even though the tears are now dry.

She then boldly asked Jackson if he had done anything to which he awkwardly replied as no.

She has been bombarding him with silly questions ever since and after his initial awkwardness, he is now smooth sailing.

This gave me the pause I needed. So I leaned my head on the window and let the tears out. But now that Kayla has also fallen asleep beside me and Dexter being on my lap is my legs go numb it's time to shatter this short peace.

"Uhm-" I clear my throat.

I can't go to our house. I just can't. But if I go to Mattie's house Weston would know that it's the place where I would be and would bring the whole place down until I talk to his sorry ass.

"April?" Jackson eyes find mine in the car mirror.

"Uhm, could you take us to the nearest hotel?" I feel my cheeks flame up with the embarrassment.

"Are you sure? You don't want to maybe stay with a friend tonight?" His eyes on me make me squirm in my seat.


He looks like he wants to say something but he stops himself. Soon we pull up to a nice hotel, thank goodness I did not want to spend the night with the kids somewhere dingy and unsafe.

I slowly start to shake Kayla awake because since I'll have to carry Dexter I won't possibly be able to carry her as well.

"Don't!" Jackson's panicky voice stops me.

When I look at him with my eyebrows raised, he clears his throat and says.

"Don't wake her up I'll help you carry her."

Even though I want to deny him, since he has helped too much already and  I don't know his true intentions behind it, I don't have the spirit in me to say no and wake Kayla up. So I nod.

I get out of the car with Dex in my arms and watch as Jackson awkwardly tries to put Kayla in his arms but retracts soon after and tries another way.

He has absolutely zero idea of what he's doing that makes me laugh. Almost.

"Is this your first time carrying a baby?"

"What? No! My brothers have kids, and they are heavier than her and I have carried them! Not saying she is heavy, but I-I can-"

"Here." I carefully pass Dexter to him.

"It will be easier for your first time."

His cheeks redden. "It's not my first time." He mutters under his breath.

I pick up Kayla from the car and we enter the hotel Lobby.

On spotting us the receptionist smiles.

I soon ask her for a family room and she smiles asking for my name.

I give her my maiden last name. "Jennings."

"Okay here are youe keysnMr and Mrs. Jennings. I'll show you to your rooms."

"No!" Me and Jackson look at each other wide eyed.


Sorry guys, I was busy with my exams. The next update will be tomorrow. 9/8

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