14. I Smell Bitch

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"Open the fucking door, Motherfucker!"

Dexter's cries fill the car, but they don't seem to faze Weston.

Matter of fact, I don't think he is able to see anything but Jackson right now.

Without thinking I grab Jackson's arm,

"Don't, he's bating you. I am sorry for dragging you into this but please leave now." My voice carries out the no-nonsense tone.

But maybe touching Jackson was the wrong move because Weston's eyes have now zoomed in on where we are connected and the red seems to take over the entirety of his face.

He looks at Jackson one last time before he storm into our garage across the lawn.

Oh I know what he's gonna do.

For the first time since last night when I caught my husband cheating on me, I seem to think clearly.

It's like clarity hit me in the fucking face for being so incredibly stupid.

Because you know what?

Weston doesn't get to act like a concerned, loving, caring husband when he. IS. A GODDAMN. CHEATER.

As soon as that thought registers I fling open the car door, ignoring Jackson's protest, pick Dexter up. The little guy calms down once he is in my arms and walk around the car just as Weston's barges out the garage holding a fucking baseball bat.

I know that Weston is a scumbag but he is still my kids' father and if they see him like this they will definitely be scared of him.

So I halt him in his path. He stops abruptly as well, when he realizes that I am standing in front of him.

"Not in front of the kids, Weston." I warn him.

I hear a car door being shut behind me and briefly close my eyes.

Why, that little-

"Maybe you should have thought of that before you wa-"

"One more word, Weston. I dare you." I look him dead serious in the eyes and whatever he must see there stops him.

I ignore both men and walk towards the house. I put Dexter down inside the house but unlike every other time when he would run away to play with his toys, he now clings onto my leg.

I glance at Kayla who had been peeking at the whole drama from the slit in the doorjam.

"Kayla baby, would you go with your brother to the playroom? Remember the gift mommy got you for Halloween, you can go play with it with Dex."

Dexter's ears perk up when he hears the word 'playroom' and 'gift'. The gift that I had to buy my daughter on Halloween because I didn't know any other way to cheer her up for when her daddy stood her up.

In hindsight it must have been because he was busy fucking his bitch.


Kayla reluctantly grabs onto Dexter's hand and they both trot inside the house to the playroom. As soon as I see them round the corner, I waltz back to where Weston stands.

Breathing heavily, up and down. Leaning on the baseball bat, glaring at Jackson.

Jackson leans on the car with ease, yet there's tension lining his shoulders, though you would miss it if you weren't looking really.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I say as calmly as I can when I reach to stand in front of Weston.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? Me?!? You are the one who fucking left me last night to go god knows where with him. What the fuck is the matter with you?"

With each word he says, the invisible meter on my temper rises up, up, up.

"Weston, are you really going to pretend that you weren't kissing another woman last night? Your boss's wife!" I hiss at him.

His face blanches.

"You...how do you...?" He is running out of words, looking incredibly confused. Then as if he pieced something together in his head, he glares at Jackson with renewed hatred.

"You." He breathes.

"Yes, me." Jackson pushes away from the car to stand tall, yet he stays right where he is. Not intruding.

I whirl around to face him, before Weston can.

"You," I say pointing at him, "I told you to leave."

"I am not leaving you alone with him, when he clearly isn't in the right state of mind." He gestures towards the baseball bat in Weston's hand.

I ignore the feelings his words invoke, instead focusing on getting him the hell out of here.

Because the longer he stays here, the uglier this will get.

Even though out of the all of us, only Weston is in the wrong, I have no doubt he will try to twist this situation to suit him.

And I simply refuse to drag someone else as his victim.

"My wife, does not need your protection from her own husband." Weston wedges himself between the two of us, going head to head with Jackson.

Well, more like head to eyes since Jackson is a little taller than him.

"Doesn't really look like it." Jackson steps forward. One more step and they'll be in each other's faces.

"Enough!" I scream at them.

"Jackson, leave." I glare at him, hoping that if I feign anger with him he would leave.

He looks a little dismayed and confused but stays rooted to where he stands for a minute.

Then with a last glance at me and a glare at Weston, he opens his car door, almost hitting Weston in the facewith it and drives off.

I storm back into the house with Weston trailing behind me.

"What was he-what did- don't believe a word a he told you baby." Weston rattles nervously as soon as we are inside our house.

I don't say anything as I turn on my phone and text Mattie to check if he could pick my kids up for a few hours.

Mattie: that sounded urgent. what's wrong babe? don't worry, papi will be there in 10.

I sigh relieved.

Then I make my way towards my marital bedroom.

As soon as I take out a suitcase to pack my belongings in, Weston quite literally goes down on his knees and locks his arms around my waist, making me stagger.

"No, no, no, no, April. You are my April, no, no, no."

I cannot move an inch because he has me locked in place. That doesn't mean I don't try. I try to throw him off me but he just tightens his hold on me.

"Should have thought about that before you cheated." I throw his words back at him, though mine contain more venom than his ever could.

"I didn't." He whispers.



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