21. Coincidence Or Fate

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"And you'll call us the minute there's anything wrong?" Mattie asks the nanny we hired for the evening.

"Yes, Mr. McAllister." Sasha echoes sarcastically.

I can't blame her. Mattie has now asked her dozens of safety questions atleast 3 different ways.

When I got home, which is temporarily Mattie's home, Mattie was pretty surprised when I told him I wanted a divorce party.

And pretty excited too.

He quickly called over his younger sister who is currently studying in a community college and asked her if she could babysit for us tonight.

I was tasked with gathering four other people to hit the club with.

I, well... kinda failed the task?

See, besides from Mattie I only consider Tanya from work a friend. And the Mrs. Eaton, the receptionist at work if we are exaggerating.

So I just called Tanya and Oliver, Mattie's boyfriend. Oliver was like 'Hell yeah.' While Tanya had to unfortunately decline because she had to take her dog to the vet.

So it's pretty much me, Mattie and Oliver. A couple with their third wheel. Yay.

"Okay Mattie I think she got it right the thousandth time." I smile reassuringly at Sasha. This isn't the first time she has babysat for me.

She used to do that for me and Weston on date ni-

Nope, not going there. Today, well now, tonight is all about me. Not that asshole.

"Might I remind you she was a very active and mischievous child..." Mattie continues to ramble on as I drag him outside to the car. I shut the car door in his face and he pouts.

The pout doesn't stay on for long though. As soon as I park the car outside Oliver's house, Mattie jumps out.

"Babe!" He launches himself at Oliver. Luckily the bearded man manages to catch my bestie in time to kiss him back and they straight up start making out.


After a couple of minutes of me awkwardly sitting in my car and them kissing, Oliver murmurs something to Mattie and he reluctantly puts his feet down.

"Hey April." Oliver leans into the window to give me a peck on the cheek.

"Oliver." I smile at him.

"So where are we going?"

"The Cave." Mattie tells him the name of the club he chose.

"Great choice, baby."

"Thanks bub."

"Let me see if they can upgrade us to VIP seats. I know someone there."

By the time Oliver finishes his call and manages to get us upgraded to VIP seats, we have arrived to the club.

As soon as we enter I am hit with nostalgia as I breathe in the air heavy with alcohol, sweat and body odour.

This used to be my scene every other week in college. It's astonishing how life has changed so much in just ten years.

And it's just fitting that Selena Gomez's, 'Single Soon' is playing in the background as we climb up the stairs to the VIP section.

I sit my bum comfortably in the velvet booth.

"Two martinis for them and a sex on the beach for me."

"Sex on the Beach is so boring. You should try something stronger, like Vodka."

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