37. Plea

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The confrontation between me and Rubin was long overdue, the tension in the air palpable as my pent-up anger simmered just beneath the surface.

He was the figure of absolute composure sitting across from me, contradicting to his earlier behavior.

Once we had seated he had demanded that we speak alone, without Jackson present here, but fuck him if he thinks I'm going to let him have his way.

"I think it is best for everyone that you go back to Weston."

I try to remain calm. I do, really really do and try to focus on Jackson's hand around my shoulders, squeezing them in silent support.

"You..." my voice trembled with rage as I glared at Rubin, my fists clenched at my sides.

"You instigated this affair, you manipulated everyone involved for your own twisted reasons and now you have the audacity to come to my boyfriend's house and demand that I leave him to go back to my ex husband."

I could see his composure faltering for a moment, a flicker of guilt crossing his features before he composed himself once more.

"April, I know this is difficult to understand, but I did what I thought was best for everyone involved."

"Best for everyone? How dare you!"

My voice rose with indignation, anger boiling over as months of resentment poured out. "You played with people's lives, with their emotions, all to satisfy your own selfish desires. You're despicable."

"You destroyed my marriage, Rubin. And while I hold Weston entirely responsible for the affair, despite the circumstances, you have some nerve making such demans. What you did destroyed my trust, my faith in people,"

My voice broke, a mixture of anguish and rage echoing in the room. "Get out."

"April, please, you have to understand," Rubin implored, his voice tinged with desperation.

"If you leave Weston, it will only make things worse for all of us. Clair... she's deeply in love with him, and if she sees that your relationship is over, she might leave me too."

My eyes narrowed as I listened to Rubin's manipulative plea. "So this is about protecting your own marriage? Even if it means sacrificing my happiness?"

Rubin's facade faltered for a moment, revealing the true depth of his selfishness. "It's not just about me, April. Think about the impact on our families, on your children. We can't afford to let this tear them apart."

"I think I'll worry about my own children."

But he just kept on persisting, his desperation driving him to new lows. "Please, April, I'm begging you. Think about what's at stake here. We can find a way to move forward together, to protect our families and rebuild what's been broken."

I rise from my seat, my disgust evident in every movement. "I'm done listening to your excuses, Rubin. I won't be a pawn in your manipulative games any longer. I have left Weston and there's nothing you can say to change my mind."

His mask slipped and the true monster beneath finally peaked. With its hideous head of anger.

"You bitc-" before he could even say thr word, Jackson snatched him by the collar of his shirt and slammed his face onto the tabletop.

I gasped.

"Careful how you speak to my woman. Now, you are going to tuck your tail between your legs and get the fuck out of here. And if you try to contact her again, I'll make sure you won't be able to talk ever again."

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