08. The Big Reveal

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I stand at the entrance to the balcony.




Weston is kissing someone.

My husband is kissing someone else.

The one who vowed to cherish, love and be faithful to me for life is cheating on me in front of my very eyes.

My guts are trying to turn themselves inside out.

Oh Lord, how long has this been going on for?

I stay rooted to my spot, gasping for air as the woman, whom I still don't recognize because her figure is obstructed from my view by Wetson's lean one, starts to unbuckle his belt.

My empty stomach starts revolting when I hear him moan.

"Oh, Claire."

Claire? Rubin's wife Claire? Weston is cheating on me with his boss's wife? His former boss, apparently.

It doesn't make any sense. When he was at his old job, he was Weston. Loving, caring, charming, faithful husband. It was when he joined this new company that some imposter took his place.

Then, how? Why...?

My head starts buzzing and I am only slightly aware of the light touch on the small of my back.

I slowly turn my head to see it's Jackson's presence that is keeping me anchored.

With teary eyes, I shake my head at him and without making any sound run away from there.


I watch as she runs away from me.

Not from me. From this.

This disgusting piece of shit.

I plan on going after her but only after I have dealt with him.

I pounce over to where the beloved couple stands and snag him away by the collar of his jacket.

Claire's scream rings in the air. But she quites down when she sees me.

Claire...I had a pretty good impression of her. The marketing industry here in Philadelphia is a small world so we had bumped into each other multiple times.

Especially since Rubin and me are on good terms and always enjoy a chess match whenever possible. She had seemed friendly enough to approach and just polite enough to never breach inappropriate territory.

But I have been never claimed to be a good judge of character.

Should have guessed that the first time I saw her visiting him.

I slam Bisley down on the checkered floor of the balcony before I squat down on his chest.

"You. Stupid. Little. Fuck." I affirm every word with a punch.

He throws his body weight on me, trying to push me off.

Keyword being trying.

I have other more important matters to attend so I get off him but not before kicking him in the nuts.

He curls up into a ball and moans, Claire at his side trying to soothe him.

He might think I am some high and mighty dude who is sticking his nose in other people's business. But the rage I am feeling right now couldn't have held on more, the intensity astonishing to me even.

I shouldn't be surprised though. All of my feelings have seemed to be heightened ever since I saw April that first time...

I shake the memory out of my head and start walking out.

"MOTHERFUCKER! What is your problem, huh?" He staggers up to his feet, wiping the blood at his mouth.

"My problem? If anyone here has issues, it's you." I reply furiously.

"Oh, I am going to make you regret this, I am going to hire a lawyer and sue you, you cunt!" He waves his teeny tiny finger at me, clutching onto his cheek, which took the majority of my punches.

I flex my hand and level a grin at him.

"Oh, you are going to need a lawyer, alright. But for entirely different reasons."

I stalk out of there. His pale face a soothing balm to the burning inferno in my chest.


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