movie theatre

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The movie we were watching was a scary movie. It wasn't too scary for me but James thought it was really scary which I found funny. Kirk thought it wasn't scary at all but he thought it was funny which kind of concerned me, Lars thought it was scary too so him and James acted like little girls, and Jason was kind of bored. I was as well. I sat next to Jason who was in my left and Kirk was on my right side just as James was next to Jason and Lars was next to James. The funny thing is, we got the best seats in the house as the very top of the movie theatre.
"Ahhhh!" A woman screamed as her body was sliced in half with all the guts and blood spilling out.
"How do they show this!? Kids could be in here." Lars whispered to us.
"Yet I see some 12 year old girls who don't find this scary but not Lars, he's shitting his pants." I mock him while Jason laughed.
Ilook at Jason and smile. He was my boyfriend in the band and I loved him a lot. I mean, it was obvious of all the times we've had sex on tour, in the studio, in bed, in the shower, on the wall, on the floor, in the car, in the kitchen of our house or the studio, hotel rooms, at parties, etc.
"I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back," I say and wink at Jason.

When I began to walk down the steps and out of the theatre, I went inside of the one person use bathrooms instead of the shared ones as I noticed Jason come out in time to see which one I entered.
He came into the bathroom and locked the door while picking me up and kissing me. I kissed him back roughly as he pushed me against the wall and quickly moved his hands to my leather skirt zipper and unzipped it so he could have more access to me. I kissed him so deeply and passionately as we locked tongues and made out. I whimpered a little in his mouth and tug on his curly soft hair while he gripped my thighs.
Kirk's pov
I sat in the movies while I noticed that Jason had left too. I looked at James and Lars and sigh.
"What do you think they're doing?" I ask.
James glanced and noticed they both were gone,
"Oh. Probably fucking. So give them a little."
Lars nods, "Or they focking left the band."
Ilaugh, "Whatever."
Y/n's pov
I moaned as Jason stuffed his ring and middle finger in me and began to finger me sweet and fast.
I was so wet for him that it was easy to slip in and out. Jason kissed me rough and hard as his fingers pumped in and out sweetly and curled to feel my wet walls. "Ahh!~ Jason!~" I moaned and gripped Jason's long hair as he smiled.
"You look so hot when you're in pleasure," Jason said lowly.
He took me to the counter and set me on it before pulling his fingers out and licking the layer of white cum on his fingers. I panted as Jason went down and in between my legs to which my skirt hid his face. I waited for a second as he gave my thighs wet kisses and then began to lick my pussy. I moaned and grip his hair before he began to eat me out more. Jason tongue fucked me so good like he normally does as he sucked on my clit too. I whimper for him and grip his hair so hard. I cry out his name and add long curse words after that.
"Jasonnnn~ fuckkkk- oh shit! Oh my fucking
Jason's tongue licked everywhere inside me while I moaned and whined. Jason's fingers toyed with me as he removed his tongue from me and kissed my dripping core. He stood up, quickly undoing his belt and dropping his pants. He aligned himself with my entrance and shoved himself in with me gripping his shoulders and moaning. He gripped my waist and used it to make me bounce on him too. I moaned and kissed him while he put his hand on the mirror behind me and kept going hard.
"Fuck, you feel so good...ah shit!" Jason groaned and pushed his face in the crook of my neck and kept going.

I gripped onto him and moved so my nails would scratch up and down his back. This feeling of his dick stroking my insides perfectly and making my walls and cervix ache in pleasure was so amazing. I panted and cried his name out while he grunted and groaned softly in my ear.
"J-Jason...ahhh fuck~...
" I whimpered out.
"Good girl...ahhh fucking hell~...Y/n, I love you,"
Jason grunts out.
Bang! Bang!
i gasp and Jason covers my mouth as he looked at the door.
"What?" He says annoyed.
"Guys, you're missing the best part in the movie.
James is scared and so is Lars- it's Kirk by the way, finish up and get back here, please. You guys can fuck another time, Cmon.
I sigh and look at Jason while he got pissed, "Fine!"
Jason began to fuck me again and I moaned more.
Jason rolled his eyes and pulled out while we both got ourselves cleaned up. We walked out and saw Kirk walking back into the theatre while we laughed to ourselves and got back to our seats.
Jason and I held hands while we watched it to the end.

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