love hurts

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"How bad is it now?" Jason kept his head turned away from you, hiding his face in the darkness of the barely lit bedroom. "Y/N...I swear it's not that bad."
"Then show me." He sighed, shaking his head before he finally faced you. Jason stared down at his fidgeting fingers that were iust as bruised as his eye that you saw now.

"Jason, no... Tears stung your eyelids at the sight of the black and blue scarring and because of the memory of the blow. No, you had not suffered the pain he did, but you did feel guilt and immense sorrow for Jason, as he took it all for you. "Y/N, don't cry. it doesn't hurt.. "Liar. "Okay, so it doesn't hurt as much as it did earlier. Besides, it's only some bruisin' to the side of my face. I almost didn't walk out of there alive," Jason laughed.

His smile disappeared when he noticed the anguish in your face. All you could think of was the punk with the gun and the leather jacket that thought he could rip you off until Jason stepped in.

You remembered Jason ripping you out of the man's grasp, then, despite your protests, ran back over with his fists clenched. All you could remember was screaming when he was knocked in the face by the butt of the 32 and brass knuckles, Jason falling to the ground and scraping his elbows.

"Y/N, don't cry. I'm fine." "I told you not to go back, you idiot." Jason only chuckled, rubbing your shoulders with his scarred hands.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I just couldn't let him get by with putting his hands on you. This is nothing, girl.
I wouldn't be able to live with myself if someone hurt you, and if putting myself in danger means protecting you, then so be it."

"Damn you, Jason," you muttered, crashing your lips into his. You felt him laughing against your mouth then pushing his body into yours so that you fell back onto the mattress. His hands ran under your gown and slipped it over your head. "God, you're so beautiful, Y/N." "And you're stupid...f-for wanting to throw away your life...for me..."Jason placed a finger on your lips and leaned forward to kiss your forehead.

"I'll be a fool for you, babe." You grabbed his hair as his lips gnawed your neck, the small bites becoming more pleasurable than painful. His warm hands slid down your waist to your hips, then his fingers crawled down to your love.

"Dammit, Jason.. Jason smirked as your voice still had an angry edge to it, knowing that he was breaking your guards down. It was to his surprise when your hand unbuckled his jeans and shoved them down his legs, revealing his hardened member.

"Y/N, you don't have to"  "Shhh, babe...I want to...and as soon as you can say you don't want it anymore then I'll stop," you said. Jason only chuckled in response before he threw his head back in pleasure as you lowered yourself onto him.
"Shit, Y/N... He moaned, the pleasure and tension of that secret place of his own against yours immensely growing.

Your hands held onto his neck, while he grabbed your hips, his grip tightening with the increasing speed of every stroke. Your bodied moved in sync, and you couldn't help but wonder how his body could be made in such perfect compatibility to yours.
"Jason, you feel so good."

You leaned your body into his, pecking his lips with your own in between completely fatigued breaths.
"Y/N..I-I can't...shit!" His moaning became intense growling, and his body shook with profuse pleasure underneath you. Groaning with satisfaction, you steadied your hips as he released into you.

Jason helped to lift you up then pulled you into his arms. He planted a kiss on your cheek, the embrace so light that it seemed apologetic."I wish I felt better, do more, Y/N," he admitted with a laugh.

"But you're well enough on your own when you're angry. You smirked, then helped Jason to lay down.
Softly stroking his hair, you watched how quickly the man fell asleep and giggled to yourself.

"It's only the least I could do, baby. There's plenty more where that came from," you whispered into his ear. You still could hardly understand why he had risked his life the way he did, only being able to deal with the idea of him just loving you that much. But, despite your frustration, knowing that he loved you was enough.

𝖏𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖓𝖊𝖜𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘🪦Where stories live. Discover now