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Jason was wearing his glasses today, he had always hated wearing them. Unfortunately, doing homework necessitated them. His hair was also pulled back into a ponytail, which clearly meant he needed to focus.

Both Jason and You were sitting on your bedroom floor. Your desk was too cluttered to use for work, and both scribbled away on study notes.

Jason sighed heavily, throwing down his pen. "This blows, "Wanna take a break?" You suggested, uncrossing your legs. Jason nodded, tucking a stray curl behind his ear.

You got up from the carpet and raced downstairs.
Although your house was empty, you still carried on with haste as if your mother was about to pester her - you couldn't imagine the comments she'd be making about you having a boy in your bedroom.
You grabbed the last two cans of Coca-Cola in the refrigerator and dashed back upstairs.

"Here," You handed Jason the drink. He smiled politely and cracked the can open. He moved his folder off his lap and across the floor. You joined him, taking a place on the floor too.
"That school work kills me sometimes," Jason said.
You nodded. "Same here."

You and Jason were not best friends, but you were not strangers either. You were in the same circle of friends, but still you found it strange to be in his company without anyone else. It had turned out that only the two of you were free to catch up on study before the exam.

You found it hard to figure something out to talk about besides how boring studying is, because that's not particularly original.
Jason was also unsure about what to talk about momentarily, but he remembered a piece of gossip about the friend group you were both involved in, and began to spill the details.

"I heard that from Lily that Jenny and Blake were caught making out in his car at Macy's party,"
"Finally, an eyewitness account!" You laughed, lying down on your side comfortably. "Do you think this means they'll admit they're an item.
"Nope," Jason shook his head. You laughed knowingly, as these particular friends of yours had been trying to hide their affections for months now.
"I don't get that," You began, drawing circles on the carpet. "Why would you hide it?"
"Hide what? Your makeout session?"

"No, like the fact that they both clearly have a thing for each other,"Jason shrugged. He wasn't great with emotions, especially anything romantically inclined. "Maybe they're embarrassed, I don't think either of them have been in a relationship before,"
"Neither have I, but I don't think I'd ever hide it like they did," You said, mimicking Jason's shrug.

"You've never had a boyfriend?" Jason asked without thinking. He mentally slapped himself as soon as the words escaped his lips. You just smiled and shook your head 'no'.
"Is that so shocking?" You giggled, sensing the embarrassment it would cause within Jason. He tried not to go red with embarrassment, shaking his head.

"I dunno, it was a stupid question," He said nonchalantly, scratching his chin.
"Got anymore stupid questions? Like if I've ever kissed a boy before?" You said sarcastically. Jason was beginning to feel like he had offended you, but felt like playing into your jokes anyways.
"Well, have you?" Jason said with confidence.
You smirked, and sat up a little straighter. A devilish idea was brewing in your mind. Jason tilted his head in confusion, unsure about why you hadn't answered him yet. You shuffled over toward him on your knees.

Suddenly, you kissed Jason chastely, but enough for him to realise that you had done it before - many times. Your face bumped his glasses ever so slightly as you pulled away.
You were impressed with the little stunt, but coming face to face with Jason's expression of total confusion left you feeling unsure.

Jason blinked at you momentarily, his blue eyes unwavering, and you sensed that perhaps you'd taken it too far.
"Jason? Sorry, I was only kidding-
"Kiss me again," He interjected. Taken aback, you moved away from his face as it was only inches from your own.
"What?" You said quietly.
"Kiss me..." Jason said again, his locked onto yours.
"again," Your heart fluttered slightly at his breathy voice.

Suddenly, you became nervous. Carefully you took Jason's glasses off, sliding them off his face as to get a closer look at his eyes. And then without a second thought, you kissed him again. But this time it was different.

Jason's large hands found their way around your waist, and so your hands cupped his cheeks. Jason kissed back with an unexpected amount of passion, almost knocking the air out of you. He didn't know what had overcome him when you kissed him playfully, but it was clear to him that he needed to kiss you over and over. You became out of breath, unable to think while kissing Jason. Soon enough you found yourself no longer on the carpet, but in Jason's lap, with legs your legs thrown around his hips.

You had to stop yourself from laughing while kissing due to the absurdity of what was going on.
Sure, Jason was cute as hell, but you hadn't exactly pictured your study date going quite like this.
As your kisses became more rough and less focused, Jason's mind began to wander - and so did his hands. You got chills as his fingers began to untuck your shirt out of your jeans so he could reach your bare skin underneath. You let out a small gasp, and Jason laughed.

God, he couldn't believe himself.
You broke away from Jason's lips momentarily, much to his dismay.

You pulled the hair tie from his ponytail so his curls would flow freely. Jason laughed again as his curls fell around his face, you always had liked his hair out. You grinned wildly and began to kiss him once more.

Jason's hands were beginning to travel even further, your shirt was on the floor and it was clear to you that sitting in Jason's lap was becoming very exciting for him. But, almost as if on cue, you heard the front door slam shut. The two of you froze, just as Jason's hands were hooked underneath your bra. Your mother had returned home from grocery shopping.

𝖏𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖓𝖊𝖜𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘🪦Where stories live. Discover now