spend your money on me

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Y/n's pov

I groaned as I laid in my large bed waiting for my fiancé Jason to get home. He was supposed to be home an hour ago but he hasn't even pulled in the driveway or anything.

The thing was, I was really horny too, so I needed him so bad right now but he wasn't here to fulfill my needs. That's until the door downstairs open and slammed shut.

"Babydoll! I'm home!" I heard Jason's voice echo in our house.

I ran out of our room and down the staircase to him as I jumped in his arms. He smiled and hugged me as I noticed him with a few bags in hand.

"Baby, what're these?" I asked.

He smirked and held one up, "some gifts for you," he told me and kissed me.

I giggled and kissed him back, "Show me!!"

He laughed and walked upstairs with me following him.

"Well, let me take you to dinner so you can show off what I bought you, okay?" He said.

i giggled in excitement, "Okay!"

I watched him set the bags down and open one with a lovely black dress with a leg slit as it was strapless and would show my curves so perfectly.

"Oh my god...Jason!! It's perfect!" I say excitedly.

He smiled, "Here you go, baby. And here, I matched it with some pearls and black heels."

He opened the other bag and pulled out a glass box with pearls in it and then a box with the most gorgeous and expensive black Prada heels.

I was in awe as I kissed him and took them before running to our closet to get changed. Once I get dressed and walked out, Jason was in awe.

"Oh, fuck, baby...I'm going to get dressed and take you out for dinner. I've all ready made the reservations."

We were sitting at the most expensive and fancy restaurant in San Francisco, California as we ate the best food.

I couldn't contain my thoughts, however, since he wore all black with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his hair was nicely done with his rings and chains on.

"Babe, thank you so much for taking me out," I say and smile at him.

He smiled back, "Of course, my love."

In return I slowly rubbed my foot up his thighs towards his crotch which made him become pink in the face and his shoulders tensed up. He looked at me with his eyes piercing mine. They were soft, loving, and happy eyes before but now they're dark, lust filled, and full of unholy thoughts.

"If you do that, we're leaving."

I smirked and pushed my foot up further which made him groan as the erection in his pants became hard and big. He quickly took his wallet out and slapped two $100's on the table and stood up with his erection very visible as he grabbed my wrist and forced me up as as we left.

He walked us into an alley way and pinned me against the wall and kissed me roughly before lifting me up by my thighs.

I moaned from him pressing his erection against my panties as he went to my neck and began to suck and bite while he quickly began to undo his belt. He finally took it off and then opened his pants before taking his cock out and ripping my panties off.

"You want to tease daddy in there? I'll make you feel better than before," he said in my ear before shoving himself roughly into me.

i gasped and moaned with relief of wanting him all day long.

I arched my back and felt him begin to pound me.

My head was spinning and my eyes were rolling back into my head.

"If you want me to keep going, fucking look at me, he demanded.

I looked at him and moaned more as he grasped my neck and slightly began to choke me. I gasped and whined while he forcefully pinned me to the wall and rammed my insides.

I cried his name and scratched his back while he grunted and gripped my thighs harder while he pounded me harder.

I gripped his hair as he attacked my neck with his lips and made me feel like paradise was this moment.

I watched the stars twinkle above as I was getting my life fucked out of me. I could barely breathe for air since his cock was penetrating me so hard and deep that I couldn't catch a breath.

"J-Jason!~ Ja~ahhh!~" I could barely say his name without moaning or whimpering.

"Tell daddy how much you want it?" He said while he stopped.

I panted and looked at him, "so bad, baby..

He smirked and came closer to my lips while pushing deeper in slowly.

"I said...how much do you want it?" He said more seductively as I panted and whimpered.

"Daddy, I want it so bad!" I begged.

He began to move again but more rough and passionate.

I hugged myself onto him and rested my head on his shoulder and pushed my face into my neck as he fucked the living hell out of me.

"Daddy!~ I'm c-close!~" I whined and felt myself become extremely hot as Jason moaned into my ear.

"Me too, baby...cum with me," he said and spanked

I nod and felt my heart beat faster and my head become light as my eyes rolled to the back of my head before I had an intense orgasm on him.

He grunted and came inside me before pulling out and cleaning us up before helping me walk to the car.

I sat in the passenger seat with my legs shaking as Jason got in while starting the car and driving back towards home.

I was laid in bed as I was naked with Jason after we had yet another long sex session.

The fireplace cracked and dimly lit up the room as Jason kissed my shoulder and caressed my arm before hugging me and falling asleep with me.

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