first time

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Y/N was Lars Ulrich's sister, and she kinda helped out with everything for the band. She even helped with designs for covers, and their logo.

Since, they always wanted to change it every few years, so Y/N helped with that. Today, everyone was partying and drinking heavily.

Jason wasn't drinking much, he maybe had one sip and that was it.

He didn't wanna get too drunken up. Y/N was the same. She wasn't drinking as much.

Well, a little bit, yes she was a tad bit drunk, but not enough to make her dizzy, and not remember anything from yesterday or the day after.

Jason and Y/N were dating. They didn't have sex though, yet. They honestly never thought of it.

Hey, maybe they made out, held hands, and shit but never actually made love to each other.

After the party, everyone went home. The band went back to their hotel. Everyone was pretty drunken up, and still were drinking.

Jason would hold Y/N's hand, while they sat on the squishy bed.

"Y/N, I love you. You know that right?" He questioned. "Yeah, I love you too.

And yes, I know, why?" She raised a brow, a small smile pecking at her lips.

"Well, we been together for maybe 3 years? And we haven't.." Jason murmured.

"What are you trying to say?" She asked, looking behind her before Jason grabbed both of her hands, holding them tight but gently.

"We haven't had sex."

Jason would say. Also, forgot to mention you were a virgin.

"Oh-!" She said, narrowing her eyes away. "Yes, I know your a virgin.

I just thought it's maybe time we did it? I mean- I will not force you into anything, I promise. If you don't like what i'm doing please tell me! I would never make you uncomfortable.

I'll try to go slow.." He all said at once. "Okay, yes. We can do it." She agreed, a deep sigh escaping her.

Jason smiled. He would place you down, laying on the bed. He would kiss your lips sweetly, "Your one of the prettiest girls i've ever seen, Y/N.

I hope you know that." He explained, smiling while he now kissed your neck, he kissed softly, leaving wet kisses everywhere. Y/N moaned softly, haven't feeling this small amount of pleasure before on her neck.

"Is this okay?"

Jason asked. "Yeah." You breathed out. He smiled, nodding while he then went down and took your shirt off, placing it down on the floor.

He trailed kisses downward onto your stomach, then your hands. He took your shorts off, then kissing ur thighs.

"This is fine?" Jason asked. "Yes." You moaned out quietly. He nodded, now taking his shirt off and pants. He took ur bra off. He would look at you, as a signal for consent.

You nodded, mouthing yes. He would nod once more, now taking ur panties off. He took his own boxers off.

positioning himself at your entrance.

"Okay, this may hurt a little bit, okay? I'll go slow at first." He would say, as you nodded.

He would now push himself slowly inside of you, while you cried out, moans escaping ur mouth.

It hurt, but soon enough pleasure came over you. Your breath was hot and steamy.

He pushed into more, slowly pumping in and out, he let out a small groan/grunt.

After a few minutes of him pumping into you, he pulled out and came on ur stomach after you came.

"How was your first experience with having sex?" He questioned.

"It was - Great." you murmured. He smiled, cleaning ur stomach off while he helped you change after he changed.

He would now lay on the bed with you, playing with ur hair happily.

𝖏𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖓𝖊𝖜𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘🪦Where stories live. Discover now