we will meet each other again

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Y/n pov

Lars entered my room, which had become a disaster. My breakup with Jason had destroyed me.
Inside, I felt a terrible pain, as if hundreds of knives were piercing my heart.

I tried not to let myself go and to take care of myself as much as I could, but it was hell and far too hard. I didn't want anything anymore.

Jason had come into my life at one of the worst moments of my life and saved me from myself. "What do you want Lars?" I asked without looking at him, remaining focused on the TV.

"I want to help you, I hate to see my sister like this." He replied, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I don't need help." I murmured. "You don't need help, but in the meantime you're slouching on your bed, crying, isolating yourself, not eating, drinking and getting drunk more and more often... I'm really worried about you sis." Lars said, sitting down next to me.

My brother took me in his arms, and I snuggled up against him. "I know you're suffering, but I beg you Y/n, let me help you. I can't focking stand seeing my sister suffer like this." "I can't take it anymore Lars... I just want to see Jason again" "I don't know if that's really a good idea, Jason looks really bad too.

The guys went to see him but he looked bad." He replied. "I want to see him...I need to..." I replied, starting to sob.

Several months passed, and I slowly rebuilt myself with the help and support of my brother and friends.

One evening, we decided to go clubbing. I put on a tight silver dress and heels and let my hair down. "I/n here we go.

Are you ready?" James asked. "Yes, I'm coming." I replied before joining them.

The boys and I climbed into the car. After a few minutes, we finally arrived. Kirk knew the club's bouncer, so naturally we didn't have to wait.

In we went. There were quite a few people there already. Music echoed through the room.

I went to the dance floor and started dancing. I swayed to the rhythm of the music. My brother, James and Kirk remained seated around one of the many tables, quietly drinking their beers.

As I danced, I noticed a strangely familiar man sitting at a table in the shadows. Jason. There was no doubt it was him.

His gaze was on me and my swaying body. He straightened up when he realized I'd noticed him.
With a glance, I made it clear that I wanted him to join me, which he did.

The boys, too busy drinking and laughing, didn't notice us. It had to be said that there were a lot of people around us, so the half-light, illuminated only by the various coloured spotlights, didn't really help. His gaze locked with mine. He put his hands on my hips and pressed his body to mine. My back pressed against his chest.

I ran a hand up his neck. "Hi, Jason," I murmured.
"Hi, gorgeous" he replied. "I'd forgotten how perfectly my body matched yours." He added. I turned and pressed my body to his. His hands on my waist pulled me even closer to him.

I'd missed the warmth of his body so much, when all was said and done... I'd missed him. One of my hands wandered through his hair before moving down his torso and then to his lower abdomen. He growled in my ear.

I took advantage of the half-light to bring my face close to his. He tried to kiss me, but I turned my head away, not because I didn't want to, but because I wanted to play with him, to tease him a little. "Don't tease me doll," he murmured.

I challenged him with my eyes and turned around again, sticking my hips to his and my back to his torso. He grunted. I detached myself from him and headed for the bathroom, inviting him with a glance to follow me. No one was there. I leaned against the sinks and waited.

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