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"Don't wear that dress next time, it doesn't look right on your figure."

You and Jason listened intently to the conversation occuring at the table across from you, scrunching your faces in disgust at the way the man talked to his date.

He had been insulting the woman for the past twenty minutes, reminding you why you and Jason never bothered to go to stuck-up restaurants like this - always opting for a laid-back date where you didn't have to worry about assholes getting high off their own ego trips.

"What an asshole." You grumbled, poking at your food, suddenly losing your appetite.

"Can't believe people can just say shit like that and get away with it . . " You watched Jason curiously as he twirled a piece of spaghetti on his fork and pulled back on the tines, you mouth shutting in a tight line as you caught along to his plan - much too late.

"Watch this!"  "Jason, no!"

You watched in horror as your boyfriend let go of the fork, sending lethal pieces of spaghetti flying across the table, the blur becoming a red, splattered mess on the asshole's white suit.

You both frantically occupied yourselves with appearing to be busy, as the glaring man turnt your way, the limp noodle hanging from his shoulders causing you to lose your composure.

As you muffled your laughter in a napkin,desperately trying to quiet yourself, Jason pointed at the man's shoulder.

"Yougot a little something there bud." He licked his finger and rubbed at the stained suit, only making it worse.

Behind the fuming man, his date was hid her laughter behind her hand, tears sliding down her cheeks. "What are you laughing at ?!" He fumed.

"Oh fuck off will ya?" Jason huffed, grabbing your hand as the two of you ran out of the restaurant.

"Evil Dead or Dirty Dancing?" A boxer clad Jason asked walking into the livingroom, tapes in one hand and a box of pizza in the other.

After the spaghetti incident, you guys decided to head home - crashing at Jason's apartment with enough pizza and horror movies to last you the weekend.

You made room for him on the couch, wrapping your legs around him as he lay beside you.

You watched the movie in silence, occasionally making dirty jokes here and there before Jason eyes fell on your body, his eyes skimming up and down your outfit as his face scrunched in realization.

"Thief!" He yelped, tugging at the collar of the shirt you had on. "I've been looking for this you criminal!"

"Do you want me to take it off?" You offered, knowing that you'd just take it again.

"As much as I wouldn't mind seeing that," A childish snicker left his lips and you flicked his chest even though you laughed along with him.

"You can keep it, it looks good on you.

𝖏𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖓𝖊𝖜𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘🪦Where stories live. Discover now