in love w my bestfriend

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Holy shit, I'm in love with Jason Newsted. My best friend. what the fuck. I laid back Jason's bed, since I was stopping by to say congrats for the new album. I didn't know whether to cry or just leave. Jason came back from the bathroom and smiled when he saw me laid back. I immediately sat up and tried to act like I was fine.

"You okay?" He sat next to me on the bed.
"Yeah.. just uh.. congrats Jase.. I'm happy for you."
-I smiled at him, hiding the tears in my eyes.
We talked for a bit while he packed for tour. He was gonna be gone for a while.. so if I don't tell him now..
"Jase I-" He cut me off without noticing. "Well, I think I'm all packed." "Time for the airport..?"
"Yeah."He packed up his stuff in his car and then walked me to mine.

"Bye y/n." "Bye Jase.." I buried my face in his shoulder while we hugged. I got in and drove back to my apartment. As soon as I unlocked the door and got inside I broke down crying. He was gone. I'd lost my chance.

October - 1989
I sat on the couch with my boyfriend, watching TV when the phone rang. He went up to get it. I heard him sigh and he slammed the phone down. He walked back over to me and put his arm around me.
"Who was it?" I asked. "Just a stupid scam call or whatever."He smiled reassuringly. "Oh alright."i smiled back.

He made me happy. But I couldn't help but feel a bit. unsatisfied? I don't know what it is I just feel a bit empty. He was a bit of an asshole. but I need him. I have to love him. Nevertheless, I tried to shake it off.

Later, my boyfriend got up to get ready for what he said was work.he doesn't have work today...but I trust him.. He kissed me on the forehead and left. I was bored out of my mind, laying on the couch doing nothing. I suddenly heard a knock at the door. I got up and answered it to see Jason.

"Jase..?" I froze. "Y/n!" He smiled. I immediately ran into his arms. Jason kissed me and I melted into it. I pulled away and looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"I wanted to kiss you so bad before you left." - I sighed. "I did too. Hey why did you slam the phone when I called?" "What..?" "Yea I asked for you, someone sighed and slammed the phone down.
"Oh my god. he." I paused, "SHIT! JASE YOU CANT BE HERE! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!"

I started to panic. I paced around the room frantically. Jason tried to calm me down but it was no use.

"Jason! I'm in love with you but I can't do this! I have a boyfriend he. he loves me. "I breathed heavily, "he. Loves me." "Y/n.."No. Get out. Please.. before he comes home from work." "y/n wait" "No Jase.. he'll yell at me. Please go." "If he'd yell at you just because I was here does he even love you?"

I froze and turned to him. I pondered that question for a second. Then I pulled Jason inside the room, slammed the door and ran to me and my boyfriends bedroom. I frantically poured my clothing into my suitcase. Jason came into the room wondering what I was doing.

"Y/n?" "Jase shut up I'm packing." "For.?" "To get out of this shithole! Now either help or go start my car or something!" - I was in a frenzy. Jason started to help me pack, neatly putting my clothes and other stuff into my suitcase. We loaded it into my car and he hugged me. "Meet me at my place okay y/n?"
"Of course Jase."

He kissed me on the forehead and left in his car.
Now it was time to face my boyfriend. I leaned back against my car for a few minutes before he got home. He pulled up and got out of his car.

"Hey y/n, what's up?" -He got out of his car.
His hair was a bit messier and his shirt was all wrinkled. I noticed his fly was down aswell.. " I..can't do this anymore." I muttered. "What?" He looked at me in the eyes with a look that scared the shit out of me. "I.I'm breaking up with you.." Tears of shame filled my eyes.

"You know what. FINE. I WAS FUCKING CHEATING ON YOU ANYWAY!" He yelled at me and walked towards the house.

Tears streamed down my face and I hopped in my car. I sped to Jason's as quick as I could. As soon as
he opened the door he took me into his arms. I hugged Jase tightly and he kissed me on the head.
"I'm so glad you're finally back." I cried into his chest.

"I'm just glad you're finally mine y/n." - Jason said as he wiped my tears.

We unloaded my stuff into his house and I kissed
him. "I love you Jase.." "I love you too y/n."

𝖏𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖓𝖊𝖜𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘🪦Where stories live. Discover now