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December sucks, there's snow everywhere and its too cold. I hate it. Except. for that my boyfriend stays closer to me in winter. He always warms me up and holds my hand.

I love him, his name is Jason Newsted. Hes the sweetest boy I ever met.

I met Jase back in '83 he was playing a gig with his old band, Flotsam and Jetsam. I watched his fingers slide across the fretboard gracefully. It was so perfect and rigid at the same time. I was in complete awe watching Jason play.

We had accidentally ran into eachother at the bar and he bought me a drink. He was sweet and such a good listener. Jason gave me his number and we talked for months. We went out and partied for a while before he asked me to be his girlfriend in '84.

Now, he's on tour with Metallica all the way in Canada. I'm flying out to see him on tour. I caught him backstage after a show. I jumped into his arms into a tight hug and we kissed.

"Jase!! I missed you so much!" -I gushed, tears starting to form.

"I missed you too Y/n! I missed hugging you and holding you in my arms." - He kissed me on the head.

We got out of there as quick as we could, back to the hotel. He changed and we went out to a restaurant he found. It was a nice little taco joint.

We got our tacos to go, and Jason showed me a little secluded spot he found. It was a cute little cliff beside a frozen-over lake. I didn't notice Jase had a backpack with him until now, but I was curious to see what was inside.

He laid out a blanket and we sat on it, enjoying our tacos. We laughed and talked for about an hour until he pulled out iceskates. I immediately gasped out loud.

"Jase we're ice skating?!" I practically jumped to my feet. i jumped and hugged Jason, wrapping my legs around his waist tight. We shared a passionate kiss and we both grinned. I sat on the ground and put on my skates. We skated around for a while, mostly falling the whole time but it was still fun as fuck.
We finished skating and we ran around the town like teenagers. Then Jason took me back to the hotel. We got out of our coats and put on pajamas.

We slipped into the nice warm bed and cuddled for a little bit. "I love you y/n.. "I love you too Jase." We both slowly drifted off to sleep.

𝖏𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖓𝖊𝖜𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘🪦Where stories live. Discover now