lazy day

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You were lounging around in your house, having decided that you needed a lazy day. You had just spend god knows how long in the bath, washing away all the stress of the week. You flopped down on the soft couch, your hair still damp from bathing, and sighed. You didn't want to move from this spot for the whole day.
You heard the front door open and close as your boyfriend Jason entered your home. He had been out for a run most of the morning.
"Hi babe," he said, entering the room. You smiled, and he sat down next to you, lifting your legs up so they rested on his lap. He was warm from jogging, and you snuggled closer to him. He traced his fingers along your exposed legs. You might have been together for a long time, but his touch still gave you goosebumps. Jason smiled as he noticed the goosebumps.

"You still wanna do lunch today?" Jason asked. You scrunched up your nose and curled up. You had forgotten about organising lunch with Jason yesterday, today you really didn't feel like getting dressed up to pay for an expensive meal. "No?"
You shook your head. Jason tapped your legs with his fingers in thought, wondering what ideas were going through your mind. "Dinner?"
You shook your head again, sinking deeper into the soft couch, your hair falling in front of your face.
"Let's stay home," You said, trying not to yawn. "I just wanna spend the whole day doing nothing... with you,
Jason beamed, his smile couldn't possibly get any wider. "That sounds so great,"
"I know right? Who wouldn't wanna spend a whole boring day with me?" You said, springing up and throwing your arms around your boyfriend. He embraced you, and squeezed you tightly as if he was worried to let go. You giggled.
You pulled away from him slightly and let yourself play with his hair. His gaze was locked on you as you dawdled away, he simply couldn't get enough of you.
"Well what are we gonna do if we're gonna stay home today?" Jason asked as your fingers tangled in his curls. He found it very therapeutic.
"Let's have a movie marathon!" You exclaimed.
"Pop some popcorn, cold beer, all the good stuff,"
"What movies would we watch?"
"Horror, duh!" You said. Jason nodded, he should have known - they were your favourite.

It wasn't long before you and Jason had your house organised for a day of movie marathons. Jason took to cooking popcorn - lots of it - and making sure there was plenty of beer on ice. You found every blanket in the house, and piled them all up on your couch. For extra effect, you pulled down the shutters to block the sunlight, making the room darker and more cozy. You quickly jumped back onto the couch, VHS sitting half in the player at the ready, waiting for Jason.
"Hot, Hot!" Jason muttered, balancing the popcorn on his flat palm. You rolled your eyes at the dramatics. He tiptoed across the pillows on the floor, carefully placing the popcorn on the couch.
Jason put the movie on, the room now dim with the TV lighting up the room. He made himself comfortable on the couch, and you crawled across his lap and hugged him tightly.
"Could you imagine any better way to spend an entire day?" You said, turning to face Jason, still snuggled in his lap. He glanced down at you with a huge grin on his face.
"There is nowhere I'd rather be than with you,"

𝖏𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖓𝖊𝖜𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘🪦Where stories live. Discover now