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It wasn't a few minutes ago when Jungkook had already reached the uni and panting from running from his way in the parking lot to look for Jimin. As Jungkook continued to look around his arm was suddenly held by someone to which he fwipped his head towards the arm that dared to touch him "Jungkook" he heard the familiar voice call to him and looking to who it belonged to he remembered it was Jimin's driver so no formalities now huh. Jungkook would lecture him if it wasn't for how worried he is right now nothing mattered he just wants to see his baby.

"i didn't think if i would say this but,...Jimin needs you right now" that's all Agust'D said and that was the last straw it took for Jungkook to run his way to find Jimin he wants to see him that bad he's that worried. He spotted three figures which he could clearly tell one was Taehyung, his baby and his friend he didn't want to think than just get there and hold him back to his arms.

Jimin had sat quietly leaning his head on Taehyung having no energy to talk anything more he felt so tired for earth, as he continued to drown in his own thoughts familiar black timberlands stepped just right in front of him, he stared at them for awhile as he could feel his heart beating again he thought it would never so looking up he was met with familiar adoring eyes that pierced right into his lonely soul his lips trembling to talk but nothing came out.

Since this was happening around the school compound there were curious eyes that were glued to them, and now the most famous people were again now in the uni compound they were looking forward for some autographs. Jungkook on the other side didn't give a fuck about his surrounding and crouched down to Jimin and holding his precious soft warm hands compared to his rough cold ones, everyone gaped getting them more curious and walking closer to get the juicy gossip as expected of them.

"Baby...." Jungkook called getting to look at Jimin fully in the face and could see those familiar empty eyes like literally trying to push him away, Jimin didn't respond than lips quivering ready to break down the moment he saw his happiness right infront of him "k..kookie" he managed to say with a cracked voice alas he could finally talk, Hobi and Tae half smiled there was a difference now, so they stood from a far to give them some privacy "yes baby, look am back didn't you miss me?" Jungkook asked with a frown and a pout on his lips making Jimin smile a bit, and before he knew it Jimin had lunged onto him hugging him so tight as if there wasn't tomorrow "i missed you the most" he voiced his bag already forgotten as he felt safe in those big arms "aww, but you don't look happy would you tell your boyfriend why" Jungkook continued to coax him into talking and he felt Jimin thinking about it "or i'll just assume things and kill someone" Jungkook said with a serious tone gritting his teeth his temper was trying to work it's way out and Jimin could only shake his head "i..want you" he whispered in Jungkook's ears to whom pulled closer "let me take you out of here" Jimin instantly nodded as he straddled Jugkook's lap and hiding into his neck.

Tae and Hobi were making sure the students weren't stepping closer to the two who were having their moment but they were only gathering more around. Jungkook pulled Jimin's petite body closer to him wrapping his big coat around him from the eyes of everyone, these days he's been just too obvious making everyone so curious. He stood and walked away to his car with Jimin hidden inside his coat while the two followed behind getting in the car at the backseat while Hobi sat to the front with Taehyung while he drove them off.

Silence filled the car only the humming of Jungkook's voice could be heard as Jimin silently listened that he couldn't help than drown into Jungkook's voice and fall into a deep slumber that he missed the whole night, the difference is that now he didn't see the bad scenes it now felt heavenly following to the rythm of his heartbeat it was that intoxicating to fall asleep that easily.

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