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"How is he doc?" Jungkook asked when he entered the room his father was laid in when the doctor was checking on him "I have ran some tests he is improving, he got out of the critical state though he isn't up yet, he will wake in his own time nothing to worry about" Jungkook nodded as he let the words sink in "but he can't travel yet it will exhaust his remaining energy just a few more days then you leave" he added "okay doc I will do so" the doctor nodded and packed up his things bowing the last time to the old man and Jungkook showing his respect and he headed out where he was escorted by the guards out, much needed security was needed here.

Jungkook walked closer to where his father slept peacefully and sat beside him, machine beeping that was attached to various parts of his body. "Wake up soon appa, you hear me" Jungkook started as he tried to sound rude and demanding "do you want your son in law to leave me because I don't have time for him, yes what if Minnie leaves me because I don't give him time and care for him" he pouted as he held his hand giving it a comforting squeeze "so wake up soon unless you don't want to meet my future pups" to that Jungkook chuckled the thought of having pups always gave him a kind of happiness mostly his and Jimin's, what would it feel to be called dad.

"I know who did this to you, that fucking Matteo guy I will show him what happens when you mess with the Jeons, I would have delt with him once and for all but I know you don't want to miss the drama, I will let you decide his death, and we will end this once and for all including that bastard Lee we gave them enough time to prepare now is the time to end this" Jungkook's eyes were fire ready to burn anyone that would come in contact with him but his train of thoughts came to a halt when he felt a buzz of his phone, looking down he was met with that familiar name that instantly changed his flaming eyes to soft ones immediately "appa wanna talk to my baby?" He bragged before picking up the call "baby-" he sang smiling at the soft beautiful voice that replied to him back exactly what he needed to get energized he missed this "appa is improving as the doctor said I will meet my honey baby soon" he cooed as he received giggles from the end phone as the conversation continued.
"haha really" Jimin giggled as he held his phone between his shoulder blade and cheek while he wore his shoes and walked out immediately as usual Taehyung waiting for him like his personal guard, "I miss you too come quick ok I will be waiting for you" Jimin replied to the person who he was talking to on his phone his mood so brightened up like nothing happened the previous night, Taehyung could see him from the rear mirror and couldn't help than smile he knew exactly who Jimin was talking to I mean it was that obvious, the talked through the entire ride until they reached their destination "ok see you later ~love you" he smiled brightly and a few minutes later he hang up and stepped out of the car and as everyday thing Taehyung walks with him till the last door.

just when the two kept on walking they had almost bumped into Davis who was coming from the other side "oh sorry" he apologized but he only received the silence from the two who didn't really looked pleased to see him first of all Jimin was told about everything that happened when he had got drunk he remembered a few and he was angry about it and Taehyung had promised Jimin that he won't tell Jungkook about it unless he lets him deal with him and Jimin had to just agree because he can't face scary jungkook or else he will kill the poor guy.

Awkward silence it was.... before Davis decided to say something "look Jimin I'm sorry about my previous behaviour I swear I was drunk.." he was cut off immediately by Tae-hyung who even glared at him more "what do you mean drunk you think we don't know the difference between someone who's drunk and so decided to take advantage of the situation" Taehyung snapped at him "am sorry Jimin .." he ignored Taehyung who wanted nothing but to punch him in his fucking face "let's forget all this please...." it was clear on how Jimin said it, wanting nothing to do with Davis, who looked down sad, Jimin is only doing this so the other doesn't get any ideas of approaching him because it seems he didn't understood the other was already taken if Jungkook was to find out about this.....see he doesn't want any harm befall on Davis so it's better they remain in their line of work that would be better.

Davis nodded defeatedly and the two walked away from him he got the message and he wasn't going to press on it and so he too walked away.
"if he does anything funny again let me know" Taehyung continues to give a speech to Jimin who was nodding like a good kid "you will be late Taehyungie" Jimin reminded and Taehyung had to cut short his speech before hugging the other and turning to leave not forgetting to wave a goodbye at him.
The day was going normal for Jimin like it usually is, unlike today he is avoiding someone all for their safety but he won't tell him that yet. It was almost lunch time when Jimin was now removing off his make up after a shoot he had a few hours ago it went well and now he was getting back the normal way he came in the morning and it was already lunch a break for him, he was happy with his work he wasn't complaining about it he loves the whole thing but that won't stop him from thinking a certain few things "if I continue to sit here I'll have a headache" he decided to head out of his make up room to get fresh air and clear his mind.

As Jimin was walking through the halls suddenly someone held his hand abruptly pulling him back from where he was coming from, startled he looked behind only to meet a masked man "Mr Lee wants a word" is all got Jimin to go speechless and follow silently because he can't turn back now that the man held his hand tightly he knows he'll get a bruise from that but he kept quite about it. The masked man walked them out and stood beside a black car in the parking lot, the doors were opened revealing none other the boss all in black looking at Jimin with a smirk "get in" he ordered and Jimin didn't have any option than silently get in his uncle's car not really sure why he was here in the first place but he wouldn't be surprised either but with how the man stared down at him he couldn't deny the nerve-racking through his entire body.
"drive to the mansion" an order was passed
Taehyung kept on smiling on his phone since an hour ago seeming glued to his phone which he never does getting Jin looked at him with narrowed eyes "what's so interesting in that screen" Jin asked as he sipped his drink he got earlier "nothing for you" Taehyung said with no interest as usual "aigooo, well no need to tell me I know" Jin smirked getting Taehyung now to narrow his eyes at him "w...well am going" he quickly took his coat and almost ran out "a date in the day yeah right" he smiled and went to his own work.

Taehyung was actually going to have lunch with Hobi who invited him to this certain private cafe Taehyung not sure why but he agreed anyway he's come to like this relationship more than he imagined he feels happy with this guy and he sees a future with him, he's happy he can feel it.

Taehyung parked right out the cafe and hurriedly came out and after locking he walked into the cafe with excitement spotting Hobi at the far corner of a table flipping through abunch of papers.

"hey" he called as Hobi happily got up and suddenly hugged him stealing a peck in the process getting Taehyung all giddy and blushing but he hid it. They took a seat as Taehyung looked around the papers "what are you doing?" he asked with interest and Hobi folded his arms and sternly looked at him Taehyung falling into confusion "did I do anything wrong" "why are you so cute while asking" Hobi cooed and got all serious"you thought I wouldn't know?" "know what?" is all Taehyung could ask as Hobi gave him a few drawings which he took and gave them a scan

Taehyung fell nervous the moment his eyes landed to the drawing, wolf drawings which seemingly looked familiar of course it was him "am I smart? am so cool" Hobi's words fell on deaf ears..

'he knows..
he figured it out..
he knows am a wolf...
but how?
no it can't be ..
no no.....'




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