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It was dead in the night when Jungkook was from his wolf run it felt good going all beast mode when everyone was asleep, and when he came back from the forest he tidy himself up and decided to have a walk around.

As he walked all he could think about was his pouty pretty boyfriend or more like not his boyfriend anymore, the fews days were really stressing so he decided to think about him and his happy memories that made his mind calm but he felt the most guilt of what he pulled off last time maybe he shouldn't have but it's too late for that now it's better to move on than fix what had been destroyed, "like hell I would do that" he grumbled and went to his dazed thoughts untill he stopped abruptly and smirked.

"Come out already!" he announced with a chuckle and looking back waiting for the said person to come out already, sense of hearing was a wolf's specialist you can never trick them they can recognize you with just your breathing.

Agust'D who had been following Jungkook for God knows how long finally came out from his hiding just the usual himself with a mask on but Jungkook could tell just from his eyes "someone is angry" he snickered as Agust'D had his knuckles tightly fisted he wanna burst someone's jaw for sure.

"You sure are attentive to sounds" he maybe complimented "and you sure are very quite I almost missed your footsteps" Jungkook added

"What did you do to him?" Jungkook knew exactly what he was asking but ofcourse he was playing dumb "huh?" He asked "you made him cry and all you can say is huh!?" Agust'D was really angry he didn't think twice than lounge at Jungkook who surprisingly didn't dodge his hit, he was pinned to the ground as he showered him with lots of punches and Jungkook? We all know he fights like a beast but he didn't raise his hand even a single time nor even avoid the hits he was calm as he let the other hit him however he wanted maybe he did really deserve it after all.

Agust'D was confused when the other didn't fight back he either didn't know how to fight or he was really dumb to shield himself either way he was gonna teach him a lesson I mean how dare he. Pausing to breathe back his energy he looked down at Jungkook who had a bursted lip and bleeding nose as he grinned "wow I could almost die from this.... feeling better?" He asked Agust'D he really does wish he felt better but he can't feel it yet "but it did feel good to do you damage" he was satisfied and Jungkook thought this was a good time to get to business.

"Wanna join hands Yoongi?" Jungkook asked as he sat up Agust'D on the other side wide eyed to the question not because he couldn't answer but because of his real name no one barely knew this "how..do you know my name?" He was extremely confused what in the world of Wattpad was this now.

"C'mon Jk gang has always been better with you on our side" ok now what the hell. Agust'D was beyond confused "then you must be..." "JK himself yeah?" Jungkook asked as he took out his hand gun to prove him, yes the same gun with the JK golden words.

"But how..?" Agust'D really tried to know the gang he was helping but he failed these people knew how to hide themselves like ants but of course except K who he might have been fuc* don't finish that......

"Let's talk in my office better you dont wanna miss our next plan" he suggested and the other couldn't even deny it because at the end of the day their intentions were on one person.



"Min Yoongi, disguised as a university student friends with Jimin and Hobi, but also known as Agust'D one of Mr.Lee's high ranked bodyguards but at the same time the revengeful soul, wow how smart are you?" Jungkook was shook never met anyone who thinks like Agust'D he was a real snake for sure because how the hell he sneaked into his master's life but only to want him dead at the end of the day how sneaky of him.

"How do you know about this i thought I always hid well?" He was so disappointed in himself was he careless about his identity all this time?at this point even the mask he wore he just took it off it doesn't matter anymore.

"Actually you hid pretty well but of course I had to know the kind of people who hang around my baby boy" he explained and he nodded making sense "and when I fought you back there why didnt you fight back because I know your fighting skills" Jungkook awkwardly laughed it off "I kinda of deserve it for being a jerk" he said with a disappointed voice as Yoongi stared at him he's curious too "what did you do, do you know how much he was_" he stopped saying any further because it was only getting him angry "what did you do?" He tried to ask calmly "it's a very long story and it's very personal but I can assure you the reason I did that was to protect Minnie" Agust'D wasn't really convinced "ok... I'll try to understand" note 'try'

"It's time to meet the gang we can't delay this any longer" Jungkook announced as he made a few calls Agust'D completely clueless "but am not..." He wanted to say but Jungkook corrected "you were already part of the gang it's time to meet everyone" and just then a knock was followed with footsteps and then three guys walked in way to familiar "I guess you've met everyone except for one" Agust'D looked up and was met with Jin and Tae already met them a number of times 'how the heck couldn't I guess' he wondered. "and he's Kai" Agust'D looked to the said person and damn was he starting to drool about him, very manly body but that pretty face and porcelain fair skin and lips please dont get him even started on that, his dirty thoughts came to a halt when he spoke "nice to finally meet you Agust'D" he smirked,.... fucking smirked at him and Agust'D went speechless as he shook his hand damn was it soft 'am fucked' he was internally struggling "now back to business here is the plan" Jungkook went to the point.





Just as agreed by Mr.Lee he was done dressing as he waited for Jimin downstairs.He was to meet up with Matteo to discuss business if you know what I mean. Just then Jimin walked downstairs in his blue jeans a baggy white shirt tucked at the sides and a cap, simple yet gorgeous the old man was already drooling to the sight "you ready?" he asked as Jimin stood In front of him looking anywhere else but him, he walked closer to him as caressed his dark hair down to his cheek, Jimin never flinching even a bit, while the older went down to his neck where there was a bandage to it, before he could touch it Jimin interrupted him "I think we should go will be late" wow what a surprise to Lee but he likes it when someone does what he wants. With that they walked into the car and drove off with them at the backseat and three more cars following for extra protection.

Half an hour they parked to a much larger mansion but not so big than the Lee mansion, before they got out of the car Lee did his routine of lectures "don't embarrass me in there you are going to do whatever I ask of you do you hear me?" he was getting into his order mode 'i never had a choice even back then this is no different maybe I will really live like this for the whole of my life I have to accept it' Jimin embraced himself and looked at Lee "be assured I won't do anything to embarrass you" with that just said he got out leaving the older speechless "wow this will be easier" he grinned to himself and walked out the two going to the mansion as welcomed in.

Just then the awaited person aka Matteo joined them in his office his eyes already scanning Jimin like a glittering diamond damn he was blessed to the sight, they didn't waste time to get onto business as the documents were already placed onto the table just signing was the last thing, the two elder continued to talk as Jimin remained silent and expressionless only he knew what he was thinking about.

"I hope Jimin you know what your signature means?" Matteo asked as Jimin looked at him "where do I sign" no fighting back this was new. Lee was even happier to give him away after all business is what he was chasing after. "am picking this call" Lee said as he got out leaving the two alone inside.

Matteo who had been starring at Jimin for long enough thought he should really touch the forbidden fruit. He sat closer to Jimin and caressed his cheek the other wasn't even moving not phased at all "your really pretty, I promise to treat you right" he kissed him on the cheek as Jimin only glanced the other way not trying to meet his disgusting face oh how much he was burning deep inside "see you soon pretty" he stood up and just then Lee came to pick up Jimin and walked away silently...

but who knew just then they were out they were surprised by what they were looking at right now "who the fuck called them!?"............





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