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"what is she doing here?" Taehyung

"why are you asking me how would I know how that snake crawled in here" Jin

"she really pisses me off" Taehyung said frustrated as he looked around the whole mansion "could it be Jungkook did so?" Jin asked "one way to find out" Taehyung turned his heels and headed to Jungkook's room as Jin followed, poor guy had just come from work only to find that unpleasant face made his mood boil.

In Jungkook's room he was laying on the bed looking up at the ceiling in silence, his wound was already taken care of and treated but looking around more was a lady's bag and shoes and it wasn't hard to guess who it belonged to "Jungkook why?" Jin tried to ask calmly not wanting to snap at the younger.

Jungkook looked at them in silence before he answered "she treated my wounds" he simply answered "and you think none of us could do it?" to say he wasn't hurt would be a lie, he always treated his boy was he useless now "I wanted her to do it" he said again not making any sense not replying to the question in a proper way "why Jungkook why..." and Just then Lisa came out of the bathroom drying her hair in a bathrobe "oh Hy" she said with a fake smile getting Taehyung roll his eyes in displease as Jin only looked the other side in disbelief then looked at Jungkook once more "but.....there was no need" he said almost in a whisper the heaviness he felt from that word alone could explain how he felt.

To be honest Jin was hurt for someone else and it was his boy Jimin "what about Jimin he wouldn't waste a second to tend to you" he was just trying to make sense to Jungkook to make him realize there are better people out there than that bitch, but Jungkook didn't say anything at all "he doesn't even know how to take care of Jungkook how pathetic Jungkook needs someone who will care and love him" Lisa said as she sat next to Jungkook and caressing his face getting all flirty "and you think your that someone?" Taehyung asked her like it was the most stupid comment she ever made "I mean why am I even here he chose his cards wisely" she meant Jungkook calling her here to tend to him "continue to flatter yourself your so dense" "enough" Jungkook said abit loudly the three bickering were getting on his damn mind and giving him a whole lot headache "please leave her alone" no he wasn't requesting but rather ordering his own family that hurt, Taehyung humphed and turned to walk away as Jin only looked at Jungkook with hurt eyes unable to say more "hyung do you need me to say it twice" Jin only sighed and had no other way than walking away.




It was a few hours later that finally Hyuna (Jimin's mom) woke up in a familiar room she looked around as she felt someone holding her hand and looking down he was met with Pi who was already dozing off just from how long she waited and to the other side was her mother...in law looking dazed before she realized she woke up "thank God your a wake" she announced as Pi woke up from her little nap "You woke you scared me" Pi launched onto her hugging tight as she could she was on a verge of crying even after growing up so much she was still a child "don't cry am here" she comforted her, she looked at the two women thinking they were about to lecture but she saw it in their eyes they were worried she could tell "am sorry" is the first thing she thought of saying as she looked down she knew she was already causing trouble for them, Jiyoung got up and stared at her hard before being replaced with worry "for once in your life don't do such dangerous things, first you ran off and got married and now....." that almost sounded funny but she was dead serious "I can do it" she tried "do what, go after that sick bastard he would kill you before you even step on his compound" Jiyong wanted to snap some sense into her "but my baby..... is he ok?" she really wanted to know so bad.

"I don't know how you got tangled up with the guy but I wanna listen to you first ok," Jiyoung suggested but Hyuna looked to be hesitant "come here" she hugged surprising the other who looked at her wide eyed "let's forget our differences see I really want to meet my grandsons and I'll do anything for that" she promised as Hyuna now was the one who hugged her again "thank you" she sobbed as they gave her time to calm down "is he bad?" she suddenly asked Jiyong knew who she was referring to "he's the worst human" is all the simple words she could describe him with making Hyuna even more perplexed and continuously worrying "all these years what really happened?" She asked it was going to be a really long story....




That midnight Jimin couldn't sleep even a wink as he looked at nothing but a daze he was trapped in, he was thinking alot that it made him restless he didn't even eat in fear to throw it up all hardwork wasted but that doesn't matter all he wanted to know if Jungkook was really ok pushing back the thought of Lisa in the deep he doesn't even want to think about her "I'll take a look yeah?" he wasn't really sure of it but he went for it, opening the door and walking through the silence of the darkness what matters was Jungkook.

Jimin was right Infront of the door and wondering if he should knock or just go back but that would only make him restless just a glimpse of him would make him better he was sure but.... He didn't know this is when it will all change.

Since no one was answering the door he decided to atleast peek in but that didn't work out he found himself opening the door fully "Jung-" before he could even say anything further his eyes widen and his heart dropped to what he was looking at right now.

Lisa was laying onto the bed her upper half open as Jungkook bare chest was set between her parted legs sucking her neck mercilessly then to her lips like he was tasting the most sweetest thing, the two were so immersed into each other that they didn't realize the boy on the door who went all broken to the scene fed to his eyes "h.....h" Jimin couldn't move his tongue it felt heavy to even say anything at all he was traumatized from just looking, his knees fell weak and he slumped to the floor his eyes unable to move them away this is something he sure won't get erased from his memory it was so ugly.

"Jung.....kook why" he couldn't even cry only a string of twisted knives in his heart twisting over and over again over his fragile heart it hurt all over and over again "I.... can't...." he choked on his sobs even harder clutching onto his shirt it hurt alot, was this why Jungkook was pulling away from him day by day was this the reason Lisa, that maybe their relationship wasn't working out, no that's not it Jungkook was lying to him ever since it could be the reason, Jimin didn't know what to believe in anymore all he knows right now is he doesn't want be here anymore "I hate....you... Jungkook..." is all he could whisper out as a thunder followed from outside ofcourse the weather wasn't happy either.

Jimin with wobbly legs stood up and managed to make a run for it, he wanted to be out of here nothing matters anymore Jungkook doesn't matter anymore he can nolonger stand it. Running out he bummed into Taehyung who was coming from the other side looking sleepy "oh" he was surprised as Jimin fell to the sides "Jimin" before he could help him up Jimin already ran off he knows he heard him sob "Jungkook did something didn't he" he could feel his own anger as he ran to Jungkook's room only to see what he knew Jimin shouldn't, the two flinched and looked at who interrupted them Lisa already pulling up her bra "fuck you Jungkook he didn't deserve that" is all Tae could say and running to find Jimin leaving Jungkook speechless not sure what exactly he meant.

Outside the rain already was pouring down hard followed by numerous thunders making Jimin not hear his own sobs, he left from the very big gates and running out in nothing but bare foot and light clothes and running as far as he could go away from everything everyone, the mansion from Jungkook from every godamned thing....



(when it hurts....

when it hurts so bad.....)



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