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"I knew Nam was up to something, so I have been following him around ever since and I got to know their new plan am sorry I found out late before Jungkook set out" Namjoon really tried to be helpful "No, you have been a great help, Jungkook was impatient but trust me you've helped a lot" Jin reminded him "I don't know why his phone is off though?" Kai had been tracking down Jungkook but nothing came up it wasn't helping at all "we can't yet conclude anything what do you think we should do?" Taehyung asked as they all looked worried "let's wait till tomorrow and see if there is any update, you know Jungkook hasn't done this the first time, he usually disappeared in a week then later come back let's trust him, good thing we told him before hand that it was a trap" Kai tried to reason yet himself wasn't so sure about it, and they didn't question more for the night maybe they could be a little patient.




Jimin as usual got ready for school like he usually does and later head to the company, his Noona came in with his breakfast like she had started to do telling him to eat all healthy and surprisingly he had a great appetite always hungry "thank you" he appreciated as he ate the food "and always take this drink it will help a lot" she continued to just stuff him and Jimin positively accepted, a few minutes later he was done he grabbed his bag and headed out thankful he didn't meet his uncle but he knew his happy hours will come to an end soon but he's trying to be positive through out the day, he did his morning routine with his hyung then got in the car "by the way your fighting skills have improved" Agust'D looked impressed as Jimin smiled though his smile didn't reach up to his eyes it's always been like that ever since he came back. True, after school, then his work schedules then practice at home and later....he won't mention it, knowing he has a little angel to protect he's been practicing harder than he usually did making his skills improve more "ok we here" he announced as he parked while Jimin didn't wait to be opened for but just then his sunshine friend appeared from nowhere and falling in his embrace "Hobi" he called "Minnie" Hobi sang as he literally dragged Jimin away Agust'D already planning on leaving.

Hobi was telling Jimin how their dance is getting great and about their Graduation soon he almost forgot about that but Jimin wasn't interested in anything but rather something else "Hobi...you and Taehyung?" he knew what was going to ask, the happy sunshine suddenly gloomed and Jimin knew it all he just wanted to hear it "it didn't work out" he frowned and Jimin could only sigh "well guess now what we have is eachother" he shrugged and Hobi sniffed Jimin told him what happened to him too and it broke his heart "yes Minnie am happy your still here" he pulled him in his embrance, Just as they were enjoying their company a few students came running and one bumped into them almost making them fall but Jimin's instinct were alert and prevented them from falling. He looked up at the guy who bumped into them looking cocky at them "opps" he shrugged, Jimin got annoyed and stood in front of them with Hobi beside him "apologize?" he demanded his cute aura already replaced with something darker "sorry?" he more like asked "sincerely apologize" Jimin demanded "Minnie please let's go" Hobi tried to pull him from there as students gathered around "who said to stand like whores on the way" he snickered and that was enough to get on Jimin's nerves, before even the cocky guy knew it he found himself scream "ahh.." Jimin had swiftly twisted his arm behind his back in a really weird position "it's not ahh it's Sorry" he corrected as the crowd fell in roars "fight fight fight" they screamed "ahh...am sorry am sorry...." he countlessly apologized in pain, Jimin let him go and quickly made a ran for it "whoah" Hobi himself was really surprised "that was so cool" he screamed as Jimin signalled him they should go now.



Later that day Jimin was back to the company with those bodyguards glued to him but he can't do anything about it, but just then a bubbly girl literally jumped to his side making him almost flinch "haha gotcha" she laughed and Jimim tried to straighten up "your such a softie" she hit him playfully making Jimin laugh awkwardly "ah Pi don't scare me like that" he tried to be polite while Pi was just free with him, that was shocking because they only introduced eachother the previous day and didn't talk more but here she was very carefree well he found it cute "say, did you eat lunch?" she asked as she draped an arm around him alarming him of the gesture "am...good" he lied he was dead hungry he was going to have lunch with Hobi but time wasn't on his side, but just then his stomach growled "oh would you hear that our little Jiminie is hungry" that made him blush trying to hide his embrassment "let's get you something" he nodded right away the thought of food sounding better than anything else "me too" "me three" Davis along with his annoying friend tugged along making Pi almost scoff "bummer" she mumbled "c'mon Pi you can't have Jimin all by yourself" "you wish" she rolled her eyes, the interaction seemed like they knew eachother while they bickered among themselves.

In the restaurant they were taking their orders as everyone's like and when the food arrived they couldn't help than look wide eyed to Jimin's plates note 'plates'. Pi with the others got themselves a burger and a drink and Jimin our dear got a burger, hot chocolate with a mixture of mint he put himself a can of soda but that's not all he went along pouring the now hot chocolate mint onto the burger and taking a very big bite on it "hmm tastes great" he liked it but the others have questioning faces before eating their own "want some" Jimin asked and they were quick to refuse right away "hell no" they shook their heads immediately, it was a really weird combo.





"Uuuh....hmm" groans could be heard from the underground torture room in Lee's mansion as three men went on hitting his body with a metallic rod every now and then. The body tied on the wooden chair has his blood tricking down his body as they had whipped him earlier, a cloth carelessly tied around his abdomen just to keep him from dying. They kept on beating him like he was some kind of animal on loose without mercy but the said person didn't falter his eyes in fear, he was still standing strong and fearless "you bastard will change the look on your face soon" one spat and went on hitting his shoulder blades just to get him feel the pain "well look who is acting cocky" Lee snickered as he entered the dark room his men stopping as soon as they saw him "why did you stop go on" he ordered and the men went into a wild beating "don't pity him, he's a big bull don't go easy on him" he reminded and the men did as told without batting an eye.

"so will you now start talking, a whole night and day of torture should get u to speak now" he said as he looked at the man who was clearly throwing him daggers "C'mon Jk we've been long term friends" he smirked while walking towards Jungkook and taking off the bloody cloth in his mouth "what? ring any bells?" he felt proud "Jeon Jungkook who rans Jeon Enterprise aka Jk from the night gang, you thought I wouldn't know?" he snickered taking a small dagger "I know all about you just one more thing say where those beasts are and I will spare your life" he offered and there was a chuckle that followed it was Jungkook "please spare me the joke is that all you can do your.. already boring me" he said as he rolled his eyes sarcastically making Lee more angry "how about now" Lee said while he dag the dagger to his tied hand "uhmmm" but Jungkook only groaned and showing no signs to speak anything yet "torture him more" Lee ordered angrily as Jungkook's laughs made him angrier...

"I need to cool off, am going to see my boy" he walked away.




Jay was just minding his own business while walking around the mansion leisurely when he heard noise coming from somewhere "huh what is that" out of curiosity he found himself following the sound which was taking him in a very wrong direction "I have never seen this before" he saw an opening at the backyard and he walked through it taking him down further the ground and the screaming getting even louder "what in the world!" sneaking in more he was able to peek and see two men trying to torture another man on the chair and when his face was visible he had his eyes wide and quickly ran out.

"fuck" he ran as fast as possible to someone he knew he can tell all this to "Agust'D" he called him immediately he saw him "what's up with you need more drugs, didn't I give y_" he was cut off as the guy shook his head in no "I saw someone down there..." he said in a heartbeat "who and why are you panting like you've been chased"

"...Juho" he said after having a proper breath "what, Juho isn't even in Seoul" "no" he shook his head "he's locked up down there"....




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