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"How...how could he have not noticed me, I know he saw me, I could clearly tell but there was something else going on I don't know" Miss Park said as she walked in circles looking stressed more than she could. After seeing her baby today of course she felt the happiest even seeing a little bit of a glance her baby had really grown into a fine young man but..... "Why?" she asked defeatedly as Pi along with her mother looked at her in silence they all saw the scene but couldn't explain what exactly was happening at the moment, just then someone walked in the room they were currently sat in to rest a bit "this place is book_" she stopped talking as she looked at the person that interrupted making her stand up in surprise.

"He_Young" Miss Park stayed still too surprised

"You!!" Pi's mom said in a stern harsh voice like she knew what she was dealing with "what the fuck are you doing here?" She spat way too rudely making miss Park and Pi confused while He Young looked down in guilt.

"Sorry for the short notice but we don't have time we need to act" she started as they all looked at her confused "by the way miss Park didn't you say you were at your relatives?" she was surprised to see her here honestly because she told Juho she had traveled a bit "ah I couldn't help than over hear your conversation so I didn't think twice heading over" she confessed "I hope Juho is doing great yeah? Haven't been able to reach him the past few days" she added and He Young looked more guilt "that's the problem" she started making the three women attentively listen to her "it was my fault it was my idea I swear, he....he went to get the evidence" she started tearing up clutching tight to her hand bag "he said he will come back but.... He's been missing since then I have a bad feeling that he might have been....." She sobbed and Miss Park had her eyes widened in horror it's not just his one son but his other son too, she was going to have a Panic attack right now.

"He Young since the beginning you weren't trustworthy now look you put someone's son in danger" pi's mom was angry, "you...two how do you know each other?" Miss Park couldn't help than ask before she freaked out any second, the two ladies looked away from each other before explaining "she's Lee's ex wife" she answered making Miss Park shook but that was not all "we also used to work together in the military before she backstabbed us, falling in love with the most wanted criminal" she spat, turns out that's why she was bitter about seeing her face after years "I regret it, I finally saw his true colours and right now I wanna make up for it, I regret everything in my life I want to make it right, please give me a last chance I want to make it better" she fell down to her knees while she sobbed and they could see the sincerity in her eyes, but just then Miss Park received a call she knew the number and picked up immediately "you don't have to worry about Jimin he's always in my care" she was assured right away "who's that?" He Young asked "it's Agust'D he promised to keep my baby safe" she replied "yes he's a trustworthy man that gives us time to look out for Juho we need to hurry" He Young begged and they don't have time to fight over their past they had to get the boys out as soon as possible "and....about Jimin ignoring you today....it's not his doing that bastard must have threatened him, he's always been like that" she pointed and Miss Park understood she knew her baby wouldn't do that to her she believes in him.

"So what's the plan?" Pi's mom asked "it's obvious Lee took him to his dungeons in the underground of his mansion am very sure" He Young gave her a lead "it's decided am going to contact my military people and we are going to attack in no time we are going to end this Lee pest bastard" she decided and they couldn't agree more.




Jimin was dragging his feet into the mansion looking so dead tired but still walked his way towards his room dragging his small bag on the floor tiredly and ignored anyone who came his way maybe he just didn't see them, but the fact was he was thinking alot and trying to find out how he can get out of this "he was kidnapped by Lee in the dungeons" the words kept on repeating in his head, come to think of it Jimin has ever seen that underground basement and that time he found Jungkook in there, it's a dejavu at this point, lucky for him he knew where to start, just then he opened the doors of his room only to be met with someone fumbling the whole room turning it upside down "huh, hyung..." he didn't know why he was here, Agust'D hearing that quickly straighten up "ah Jimin I was just setting up everything" he lied and no doubt it was obvious, Jimin didn't have time for this he has to go.

"by the way Hyung I found something in here I don't know what it's all about but planned to give it to you anyway" he sighed as he opened the drawers and gave him a file that was neatly folded "am going to the bathroom" is the last thing he said and locked himself in leaving Agust'D looking dumbfounded. Scanning the documents his jaw almost dropped this is what he's been looking for turning the whole room upside down he was shocked that it was just in the draw "it's time" he mumbled as he looked at the locked bathroom door hearing the showers pretty sure the younger was refreshing, he quickly made it out and looking around to see if anyone was following him, seeing it was empty he took the chance and quickly drove off somewhere.

Jimin had opened the showers pretending to be bathing as he wore a black sweatpant and a shirt with a hoodie on pretty big on him, he stood in the mirror and looked at himself mostly the scar, it was hurting so much now that he was here something was definitely not right, but... his hands slowly making it's way to his slight bump making him smile abit "let's get your daddy out of here ok baby?" it almost felt like he was talking to him or her. Regardless of how Jungkook hurt him he too wasn't the innocent one here, they both lied to each other creating a new forged bond it was real but at bad circumstance, he's guilty too and he would do anything to make it right, Jungkook might have hurt him but he won't just sit back and look at him getting tortured "Am coming Kookie wait for us" he finally took a certain key and draped his hood on and sneakers then sneaked out of his room, something

he learnt ever staying here he knows all the blind spots.

Five minutes later......

He was here, he looked out everywhere and lucky for him no one was here that is thanks to the event they were busy in that and he made the right choice coming back earlier, he slowly tiptoed in so he wouldn't get surprised. Inside was really stinking, bloody walls and flowing blood too on the floor, it almost made him puke but he held himself together 'i can do this' he promised and walked in further. Just then he was met with someone's back who was busy cursing the person who was tied onto the chair but Jimin stepping on a discarded metal rod created attention making the person snap his neck to him while he went nervous "what are you doing here?" he asked with a frown while Jimin looked back at him speechless before his eyes landed to the person tied on the chair he was bleeding alot and Looking terrible like half dead "a good reason to kill you" is all he said before hitting him with a rod he had just picked up pretty sure he broke his skull "pathetic" he mumbled and walked to the person tied to the chair immediately falling to his knees Infront of him "ahhh" he let out a scream when pain shot up to his neck rendering him almost paralyzed before it disappeared right then "K.. Kookie" he called with a broken voice when the said person groggily tried to open his blood eyes looking so warn out "what did they do to you baby" he cupped his face and bringing him close to him "don't worry we are here to take you out" he promised as he took out a dagger from his pockets and cut the ropes free from his bruised hands, he looked around and noticed a bunch of injections he was sure he was drugged because Jungkook wasn't the one to fall down easily, with so much anger he took the injection that had a weird liquid in it and injected the man he hit before "there, a taste of your own medicine" he spat.

"J...min" he heard a low voice call and quickly walked back to pull him up "it's ok am going to take you out of here" he kissed his forehead and with so much struggle he was able to pull him up draping his arm over his shorter frame, no matter how heavy he felt he wasn't going to back down any sooner. With so much more struggle after looking back to see nothing he dragged themselves out thanking the heavens that no one was here down yet, when he made it at the end of the mansion woods he looked back at the hell hole he was living in in pretense of a home, he prayed to never be back here ever again and walked away with Jungkook supporting him by his shoulders....



(⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)


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