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Juho having remained at the mansion he decided to look around maybe he can find something or anything like a clue he just needed to find anything.

it was past midnight when the male decided to tiptoe around the silent dark mansion a few light rooms helping him to see where he was walking to but he could see anyway all that tough training wasn't for nothing and so his first plan was to head to Lee's office he knows there's some important things there which

will be risky to get but he is trying anyway.

He looked around and noticed no guard was there they must have been out maybe on a break he knows the schedules of the mansion so this was just the right time the door was slightly open a light peeking out and mumbled voices in the room he could tell someone was there so looking to his sides making sure no one is looking at him and so he tried to eavesdrop.

He could see two naked figures were on the couch one was already asleep and the other he could recognize was Lee he was putting on his robe back and walking to the table looking all miserable like he was he could tell and the whole room reeked of smoke.

Juho didn't know what he was trying to do at first but he could see him holding a photo frame and caressing it must have been maybe his relative he didn't know either but he listened attentively "He Young my lovely wife" he mumbled but Juho heard him "ohh this is interesting" Juho thought for the first time he is hearing something new even the police doesn't know if Lee has any relatives they even don't know if his wife exist and finding that about it now was a big deal "it's been years since I last saw you, I don't know why I have to remember you now is it because of how you managed to take away my stress at moments like this or I miss you...?" he smiled but suddenly he looked pissed and angry that he was almost piercing the woman who was on the picture "oh no that can't happen I can't fucking miss you I wish I can find you and I can kill you" he gritted his teeth with anger as vengeance showed and Juho was really surprised 'I wonder what really happened to them I'm sure they might have divorced or something seems more information has to be dug out' he nodded to himself and there was a phone ringing in the room, Juho became shocked thinking it was his and sighed to see it wasn't but Lee's.

"hello" he heard him answer the phone

"how did it go?" he asked

"what did you say?" Juho could hear Lee ask but couldn't hear the voice from the other side of the phone

"bingo! I knew it finally my plans have worked the drugs are supposed to be where they have to be" he grinned and Juho became confused

"of course we had to make it look like the truck really had drugs but fuck them nothing is in there it's all empty they are such stupid idiots" he laughed his heart out like a maniac and Juho widen his eyes the fuck is he hearing now!!!

before anyone could see him he quickly ran out and headed to his room not not seeing a figure that was watching him the entire time "oh shit Agust'D was supposed to protect the drugs I'm sure they are on the field right now I have to text him that nothing is in there" he quickly looked for his phone but before he could even type anything he saw none other than Jay his senior looking at him with the palest face he's ever had and bored eyes "you!" he called but the guy wasn't saying anything just looking at him dumbfounded...



Agust'D and the JK gang had attacked each other fighting off with fists no weapons,.. interesting it looked but as much as they were many the JK gang was really trained enough to take them down almost all the 20 men Agust'D had with him were down he was the only one who had energy left in him to fight off the JK gang but that wasn't enough, one got a chance to punch him in the face and he fell to the ground but before he could throw him another punch JK himself stopped him "no don't I don't want anything happening to him".... confusing it looked, Agust'D himself didn't know why but Jungkook deep down knew his baby treasured the guy so much he's seen him many times with him he can't do anything to him that will make him look bad and so no one questioned him why he said so and now it was time to open the trunk.

Agust'D was held by K to his chest nothing like violence the guy was actually flirting with him but he turned away angry yet again he lost to the JK gang that pinched his pride but the end results the both were going to benefit, these two could just fuck behind the scene but on the battlefield they are nothing like they know each other.

JK ordered one of his men to open the truck waiting in anticipation to see the drugs in clear form but the moment the doors were open they were shook not just shocked they were surprised "shit" JK cursed it was empty how could they not see this coming 'how is this possible' K thought to himself and Agust'D wasn't any different as he was set free, wasn't he sent here by Mr Lee how comes the drugs are not seen who took them, they were all confused and that's when he received a text 'the truck is empty' sent 20minutes ago, he was confused how did Juho know second newest message 'what's up with Jay?'




(Nam_Gil for Namjoon's brother)



In the same night Mr.Kim sighed in relief as his last mission had finally succeeded "how did it go?" Nam decided to ask "my last mission was to transport the drugs from Italy to Korea the mission was a success" he said proudly as Nam was a bit confused "what do you mean last mission and who's drugs you exported I know you don't deal in drugs you with deal with weapons what's going on here dad?" his son asked he really looked confused and that's when Namjoon and his boyfriend came into his office because Namjoon had decided to discuss something with him but the conversation made them curious and Namjoon was suddenly feeling angry "I thought you wanted to stop this I thought you were gonna quit was it all a lie like you always did years ago" he sounded hurt, no the old man said he was going to quit the mafia how the hell was he involved in the drugs again Namjoon had second thoughts he really wanted to bond back with his father but seems he never changed even a tiny bit "Huh hyung knows too how am I the last person to know" Nam seemed angry too the last time he checked he had a big plan going on with him he didn't come to Korea for nothing but hearing his dad was going to quit the mafia wasn't settling well with him how are his plans going to work now he needed the connections "calm down you two, I wasn't supposed to back down from this Mission it was a done deal" "with?" Nam asked "Mr Lee" the two widen their eyes including Jin 'Wait what, today was the day to....' he was utterly confused did that mean the truck wasn't as planned.

"and definitely my last mission, and Yes Nam am quitting the mafia" the older said as Nam could see his plans failing infront of his eyes, all those years of waiting to take after his father as a mafia boss was for nothing, he wanted to scream right and with an angry aura he got out of the office slamming the door real hard.

Namjoon sighed in disappointment as he looked at his so called father "I can explain" is all the old man could say having no any more excuses.

Back to Nam's room he was hitting the walls hard that it painted his blood from his knuckles "quitting you say?" he gritted his teeth in anger he knows damn well anyone who quits the mafia it means everything falls down including the business his father was planning to take the business down to "shit!!" he felt like a loser "no, old man I won't let you make my plans fail even though it means to get you out of the picture I will do anything" he was looking like a maniac...



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