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It was just as early in the morning when Jimin cuddled more to the warmth around his whole body, he smiled when he felt really soft under something like fur 'huh fur?' Jimin frowned still in his slumber, he touched around the person cuddling him and didn't understand yet 'So soft' he thought "Jungkook soft?..." he mumbled 'he's a muscle bunny i don't think...' curiosity made him open his eyes and stretched a little to get adapted to the light "huh" he looked down to see white fur all over him settling like a blanket on him "wolfie.." he called happily making the sleeping wolf wake staring at him with it's blue hue eyes "i missed you" he hugged him real tight but he looked so small under the big wolf "it's been days since i last saw you" he pout as the wolf nuzzled to his neck like an apology "aww,..i forgive you" he smiled patting it's head "i think am the one at fault i wasn't home so you must have looked for me" he kissed it's nose "oh wait" Jimin suddenly sat up looking around and whispered "how did you find me?" 'am i really talking to an animal' Jimin felt so stupid "ah don't worry about it now that am here with you makes me happy" he hugged him yet again then looked beside his bed "Jungkook?" he called getting a hint he wasn't here "when did he wake up?" he sighed because he could picture how freaked he would get "ok wolfie am going to freshen up i will probably not find you here, so see you next time" he hugged him for the last time and ran to the bathroom.

"explain.." is the first thing Jungkook demanded when he shifted back to his normal self 'baby looked so adorable how could i not cuddle him all night we are mates it's hard to stay away' his wolf was really sad "JK it's ok i understand but remember he doesn't have any idea that am a wolf you should be more careful not to reveal yourself more we don't want to frighten our baby,.. no matter how much i want him to know i wouldn't want him be afraid of me and leave us, would you want that?" Jungkook asked and JK almost panicked 'no,..no i want him closer' "hmm i thought so, let's be careful until the right time to reveal ok?" he nodded and that's when Jimin got out of the bathroom already having worn shorts and Jungkook's shirt he was still insecure of his scars.

"baby..." Jungkook sang and Jimin right away blushed no matter how if Jungkook looked at him lovingly like that his heart flutters, those invisible butterflies in him, Jungkook was just perfect and he felt lucky "Kookie" he replied with a smile standing infront of Jungkook who pulled him to his masculine thighs "oh" Jimin was startled before he blushed real hard because he was so close to Jungkook's lips and how he rested his hands on his butt pulling him closer that he rested his hands to his neck "what a beautiful morning" Jungkook said sniffing his neck and planting kiss on it "did you sleep well?" he asked as he kissed his jaw "yes i did" Jimin replied biting his lower lip so he doesn't make a sound and Jungkook noticed "no baby..no biting" he licked his lower lip making the other free his bottom lip and sucking hard on it "mmh" he moaned while Jungkook kissed him all over and tasting his warm caravan "tasty" Jungkook groaned "Kookie...i have school" Jimin breathed and Jungkook seemed to snap out of it 'fuck, control' he internally growled and broke the kiss "okay...if my baby says so" he smiled as Jimin tried to get off only for Jungkook to hold him tighter back to him "let me take care of you" huh, Jimin was confused and realized later that Jungkook was going to carry him to the dining table it made him blush mad.

Jungkook carried Jimin bridal style to where the tasty aroma was wafting from "smells nice" Jimin pointed out as Jin came from the kitchen with plates and cutlery "of course only from the best" Jin bragged as his boyfriend from beside kissed his cheek "am so blessed" he smiled "morning babies" Jin greeted the two standing infront of them not even feeling awkward about the two's position "minnie how was your night?" Jin asked ruffling his blonde hair that was already being replaced with the black "it was the best" he admitted while he smiled "aww that's good, now take a seat and eat before it gets cold" the two obliged and Jungkook sat having Jimin on his lap "Kookie am going to sit ther...." "no" came a blunt reply making Jimin immediately obey, there was something about Jungkook's hoarse voice that made him weak in the knees and obey "here eat...baby" Jungkook spoon fed him as the two from across smiled but Jin smirked 'this brat using his alpha insticts' "where's Tae?" Jimin asked just right when Tae came in "am here mochi" Taehyung said joining them before pecking Jimin's head and right away receiving a scowl from an angry wolf 'relax alpha' Tae mind linked while smirking he was testing the alpha this early morning "here" Jimin fed Jungkook who stopped glaring at Tae and continued to be fed, while the rest just laughed

When everyone was done with break fast Jin and Namjoon went to the studio Kai was on his errands they rarely see him, Tae on the other side went to his room while Jungkook walked out Jimin to go to school while him to the company but Jungkook strictly said he would accompany him and so Jimin nodded happily.

As the two made it out near the car a guard ran to open for Jimin only for Jungkook to stop him "mine" he growled and the poor guard stepped away in fear as Jungkook glared at him he was being such an alpha, Jimin having missed the little show got in the car of the CEO and Jungkook took the seat driving them with body guards behind them.

They had a comfortable silence between them which was just perfect, and when they reached the school Jungkook did the same, got out of the car to open for his boyfriend as the whole school came to a halt and yet again they meet the coldest man alive but cant help than drool, the news had spread everyone knew Jungkook and his boyfriend now.

Jimin now became aware of what was happening and so fiddling with his fingers nervously all eyes were on them "you will be alright?" Jungkook asked he well knows what the situation would be "a..am fine" very nervous but Jungkook being here will attract a lot of attention "go to work now"Jimin gave him his crescent eye smile and Jungkook had to stop his movements just to stare "bye" Jimin waved and Jungkook couldn't help than peck those pouty lips "Kookie" Jimin whisper yelled and a lot of 'awwws' coming from the students "just saying bye to my baby is there anything wrong about it?" Jungkook reasons as Jimin blushed mad "show off" he mumbled but Jungkook heard that "of course" he proudly replied "now off you go" Jungkook hesitantly went back to his car seeing Jimin wave off he wanted to stay with Jimin but he had to pull himself together and so he drove off.

Jimin looked at a bunch on students who were starring right into his soul and he shuddered to the chills it was creeping him out already and yet he was here all alone and maybe a few bodyguards hiding somewhere "Hey" he was startled when Juho whispered in his ears "you" he hit his chest playfully "haha got you" he was really a child "what are you doing here?" Jimin asked with a relief "Agust'D sent me here, he said you needed me" Jimin smiled to the thought his hyung knowing him too well, he must have seen this coming after that announcement "thank God" Jimin said wrapping his short arms on Juho's while the other looked confused at first "All those stares are creeping me out everyone seems scary" Jimin whispered and now Juho understands why he had to be here "anyone dares to touch you they will have to pass through me" Juho puffed out looking all serious and strictly buff, Jimin could only laugh.




The day was going good in the studio with Namjoon working while Jin worked beside him these two couldn't stay away from each other not even for seconds, Namjoon hadn't worked for a couple of days after the attack and so he had lots of work he needed to take care of his models.

As he was going through some paper work Jin felt strange like the whole building felt odd "Joonie?" he called and the other hummed "something is wrong" he suddenly said getting up and looking at Namjoon "what?" Namjoon was confused but that's when Namjoon realized how strange it was quite and when he decides to open the door it was already slammed open by black suit armed men which startled the two "Brother..." Namjoon responded in disbelief and as if he wouldn't be surprised any more someone he dint expect to see was right infront of him in flesh and blood "son..." a man called looking at Namjoon in surprise "Dad...." Namjoon whispered back even more shocked.....





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