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It was very early in the morning when Taehyung walked into Jimin's room already convinced he wasn't up yet, Jin very early in the morning went to the company but not forgetting to check on Jimin for that morning and now was Taehyung, and Jimin left in the mansion. Taehyung can't go back to work yet he has to make sure he dropped Jimin off to his work place to make sure he was doing fine, Jungkook's orders! but Taehyung considered him more of a family he didn't have to be told to do anything for Jimin because he would gladly do so.

He watched Jimin who was entangled in the white sheets looking so comfortable and relaxed that he didn't want to wake him up yet but unfortunately he has, "Jiminie"....he sang to the sleeping beauty who only groaned to the noise "wake up sleepy head" he continued to sing to his ears irritating the other more "five more....." he mumbled while trying to cover his head back to the sheets only for Taehyung to rip them off "no you don't.." he threw away and Jimin only groaned more to the cold, just when Taehyung wanted to irritate him more he was pulled to the bed and Jimin already set himself between his parted legs and hugging him tight "yes warm" he giggled as Taehyung looked at him in disbelief "only five minutes will you be up?" Jimin nodded and Taehyung smiled pulling him to his arms.

And just as agreed after five comfortable silent minutes Jimin was able to get up and refresh Taehyung finishing up too and when he was done he waited for the other beside his car patiently "hey where is Jimin's car how come I don't see it?" he asked the driver who was specially ordered to drive Jimin all around, he too seemed too shocked of the question and when he looked around he didn't see it "sir Jimin has never used his car for the past few days because I always drive him" he explained and Taehyung only nodded seeming to think of something not until Jimin came up to him with a huge smile "sorry for making you wait" he made his aegyo face only to get Taehyung smile "it's ok let's go mochi" he teased as the two got in and immediately drove off.

The ride was comfortable and silent until Taehyung decided to ask that itching question that he had since he didn't see Jimin's car around, "hey mochi how come I don't see your car you don't usually ride it?" Jimin internally panicked at the question 'oh no he can't know I went out yesterday night, the car was pretty much scratched he can't know any of that quick come up with something' "I was planning on using it soon but I found out it had some mechanical problems I left it at the repair shop" big fat lie "you don't have to do it, there people to do that" Taehyung was just concerned "no it's okay I already took it" and like that that the conversation ended to the relief of Jimin, Taehyung wasn't someone to pester anyone but Jimin could tell from the corner of his eyes he wasn't convinced. A few minutes later they had reached and as usual the two walked up to the very last door of where Jimin was supposed to be "call me if anything happens you know" Jimin nodded with a smile and like that Taehyung also headed to his work place as the other got back to business.

Today it was pretty busy as they had an event, actually it was just a welcoming party for all the new models to show them how grateful they are to have them so everyone was onto the preparation and of course the normal work too so it's like working double but no one was complaining at the end of the day they get to have a drink.
Alcohol smell..

loud noise...

crazy dancers...

noisy kareoki...

sat between the soon to be drunk people,

Jimin doesn't know how the hell he ended up here as the frown on his face was pretty visible of how much dislike he didn't want to be here at all, but their senior insisted he didn't want to look rude so he had to agree and how he was between these drunk people well his 'friends' dragged him here alcohol Infront of his eyes looking so good to devour right now and another thing to get him here was his stalking uncle, he can feel his eyes everywhere and when he feels alone he knows it won't go well might as well be tangled with these drunk people who wouldn't stop asking him weird questions "so Jimin are you single?" the girl asked who was beside him "he's too pretty to be alone can't you see" Ken pointed out as Davis beside him hit his leg so he behaved but Jimin only smile he didn't say anything what can he say expect for "I have a very handsome boyfriend" this made the other to coo as Davis Infront of him looked like he didn't like the statement as he gulp down a glass, the questions continued and Jimin thought it would be boring if he didn't take atleast a drink "it shouldn't be bad" he convinced himself but he didn't know he would soon regret his choice.
"I....miss much" Jimin slurred as he continued to complain to Davis Infront of him who kept on the conversation going but to his dismay he didn't like the answers, it had already passed an hour and everyone was completely wasted, Jimin struggling to talk pouring out all his misfortunes, "so do you love your boyfriend?" Davis asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice, he was sobber not drunk like the others, Jimin on the other side his face all red and still taking in more "love,....I would die for him he would too I know" came his answer as Davis only sighed he was trying to get to Jimin but it seems he was failing every damn time "even if I date you?" he straight forward asked "huh" Jimin straightened up for the question thinking about his question "you don't stand a chance" Jimin replied without a stammer in his voice so sure of what he was saying, a pang to the heart of Davis he realizes he can't steal away this pretty man or it's because he was damn stubborn maybe "urgh...I wanna..." Jimin stood up abruptly holding his mouth shut he wants to go to the washroom but even two steps he couldn't make it and so Davis helped him to walk, a few minutes Jimin was done he came out only to be pushed to the wall "d..Davis what you think you're doing..?" he tried to ask with his fuzzy mood he can't even see and so Davis took it as an advantage and leaned towards to those plump lips he had his eyes set on since first day, Jimin was looking to the sides he didn't have any energy left in him to even fight "what do you think your doing?" a deep voice startled the two Davis already ripped off Jimin and to the ground he fell, Jimin felt someone pull him only to fall to their shoulder "how dare you?" he heard that deep voice threaten "Tae...I.." "it's okay Jimin I came to take you out of here" if it wasn't for Jimin's drunk self Tae was ready to throw hands might as well as keep him for later, with a last glare Taehyung carried up Jimin bridal style and walked them out, and to the car seating at the back seat Jimin's driver immediately driving them off.

Jimin had his head rest onto Taehyung's shoulder as he hiccuped a few minutes, "did he do anything else?" Tae asked as Jimin shook his head "thank God you texted me earlier" he sighed turns out Jimin knew what later would look like and Tae was at his rescue.

"Tae..." Jimin called to a barely a whisper "yes talk to me" Taehyung caressed his cheek softly "don't...tell... Jungkookie ..." this only made Tae more angry
"You know how he would kill him....I don't want to remain alone when my boyfriend is in....jail" the reaction the two gave was laughter from Taehyung and the driver as they laughed at his cute reasoning "Jungkookie is....scary....I don't want be...mad" he added and Taehyung tried to calm down his laugh "God, your even cute when your drunk if only Jungkook could see this" he chuckled more before pulling Jimin towards him "if you say so I won't tell him, I will deal with him myself" the last statement came out lower that Jimin wouldn't hear besides he won't even remember this, it went in silent for a few more minutes only to see Jimin had already passed out on his lap sleeping soundly, "you don't usually drink, are you perhaps stressed about something we don't know?" Taehyung wondered for a while "I think sir just misses the master" the driver pointed out one of the many reasons "I think so..." Taehyung sighed as he continued to pat his hair was there something they don't know.......

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