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The siren is sounded, and all prisoners are to be shackled again and returned to their original positions.

Paradise Prison holds the most heinous death row prisoners in the universe, and any one who escapes will become a disaster. The scattered prison guards had to be very careful, each holding a black electric baton like driving pigs to drive these dishonest people back to their original positions. Su Lin'an walked at the end of the line, and was just about to walk to the aisle of the cell when he was grabbed by the prison guard just now.

The prison guard pulled out an arm-length black baton from behind his buttocks and swung it violently, turning into a huge long baton.

Su Lin'an: "!!!!"

He swears that when the prison guard swung it, he could even hear the sound of laser buzzing!

Then the huge baton was pressed against his lower back, and the prison guard said fiercely, "Hurry up! Go this way! You're slow!"

Su Lin'an watched Ander's back leave with a dazed expression. He pointed to Ander's shiny golden head, trying to explain that he didn't want to run away: "No police officer, I'm from there..."

"Shut up! Wherever I tell you to go!"


When Su Lin'an stood in an empty room that looked like a virtual space, his whole body went numb.

Four staff members with transparent masks and white coats rushed forward and touched him from the strands of his hair to the soles of his feet. While touching, he was also quickly recording on the transparent blue light curtain. The prison guard had already retreated three meters away before Su Lin'an realized that he was covered by a transparent hood. Although this description is a bit wretched, he feels that at this moment he is particularly like a mosquito covered by a glass cover.

My ears are full of words that I can understand when I take them apart, but I can’t understand them when I put them together. There was a sudden buzzing of blue light above the head. The four white coats retreated beyond the mask. Not far away, the special text on the huge blue-ray screen is jumping up at a rate of thousands per millisecond.


"Interstellar pirate, Charles." It was the prison guard who answered the question in the white coat, and Su Lin'an was already confused.

One of the curly-haired white coats turned around, fingers repeatedly jumping across the transparent light curtain. Immediately call up the basic information of Shire.

The terminal here seems to be connected to the federation's internal information database. The white coat easily found out about Charles' life. The curly-haired white coat took time to glance at Su Lin'an. His eyes fell on Su Lin'an's face, and his breathing became chaotic for a moment.

His gaze moved down quickly, avoiding Su Lin'an's too confusing face, and fell on his slender waist: "oga?"

"Yes," the prison guard quickly replied from the information he received, "Colonel Levi received the information that this person should have undergone a special sex reassignment operation on the black market, changing his physical appearance."

Transgender oga, hum! Waste of emotion!

The voice in the white coat instantly became cold, and he coldly withdrew his eyes from Su Lin'an's waist. Like an AI robot: "Capsule No. 3. Take off all your clothes and all the metal objects on your body."

Su Lin'an was pushed out of the mask in a daze. Before he could figure out what to do, he was pushed in front of a huge transparent petri dish by the prison guards. This petri dish is cylindrical, about two meters long and one meter wide. Each petri dish can hide one person horizontally.

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