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The Retrofit escaped from Lab Two.

Injured Curry and successfully escaped from Lab 2. When the lab's alarm sounded, Sophie rushed out with huge black circles under her eyes and her hair disheveled. Only Curry was lying on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face in the lab.

"Damn it!" Sophie confusedly took Curry to the treatment cabin, and returned in horror to check the scene.

I made a shocking guess, and it turns out...it's really certain to win the day! ! !

The transformation that is close to being scrapped has a combat power that far exceeds that of an S-class alpha. If it was in its heyday, it might be able to compete with His Royal Highness Sa! After all, Curry is an S-level alpha. Although the combat power is not the highest among the dozens of combat lunatics around Sa, but to be the adjutant of the commander-in-chief, the combat power is definitely the top of the pyramid.

Sophie kept walking around the laboratory, while being shocked by the scrapped machine waking up and knocking Curry unconscious, and at the same time being terrified by the surprise of Su Lin'an's blood sample.

Although Su Lin'an's self-healing ability and cell metabolism speed were special from the beginning, it was a flash of inspiration to stimulate cell regeneration with altruistic blood. Sophie's original purpose was to leave Su Lin'an's blood sample, to reserve a way out for Sa's future predicament. Now that it is confirmed that Su Lin'an's blood can stimulate cell regeneration, the value is shocking...

If Su Lin'an's blood is taken... Impossible! His Highness will kill her. Most importantly, although Sophie is a fanatical scientific researcher, she is still a soldier with a conscience. As long as there is no problem with Sa's health, he will not do other superfluous things.

Less than ten minutes after the incident happened, Sarah received the news.

As soon as the transformation and escape were exposed, Sophie couldn't hide the fact that she asked for Su Lin'an's blood.

Curry, who just woke up from the medical cabin, slammed heavily on the wall of the medical room, and the loud sound was deafening in the cold laboratory. The metal wall cracked instantly, debris and rubble slipped down, and Curry slid to the ground with his hands on his chest and vomited a mouthful of blood.

In the medical room, Saba's pheromone leaked out, and the air tensed for a moment.

Sophie privately asked for Su Lin'an's blood sample. As an adjutant, he should have reported it immediately. But Curry's selfishness not only failed to stop Sophie in the first place, but also contributed to it to some extent.

No matter how legitimate his reasons are, no matter what his thoughts are, he is negligent: "The subordinates know their mistakes and are willing to accept the punishment."

"But Your Highness, this subordinate must do it." Curry's eyes fell to the ground, and his hair fell down, "Your Highness should be aware of how short the lifespan of primitives is. Compared with His Highness's long life, he is so short It's like a cloud of fireworks."

If you don’t report what you know, and you deceive your superiors and subordinates, according to Article 12 of the military regulations, you should be dismissed and investigated.

Of course Curry knew the military rules, and he was ready to bear the result when he made the decision to ask Sophie to leave Su Lin'an's blood sample. It is undeniable that he had a little fluke, but he clearly understands what Sa's health means to the peace of the Federation: "Your Highness, I still hope that Your Highness can consider it carefully before. Let Sophie continue to keep the blood of His Excellency Su Lin'an sample."

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