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Saxi snorted coldly, pushed Su Lin'an away and left.

The people outside the door all followed in an instant, and Curry glanced at the boy in the room before leaving. The boy still looked ignorant, but for some reason, Curry always felt that he gave people a strong sense of disobedience.

Su Lin'an didn't know what he was looking at, and curled up the corner of his mouth to show a shy smile.

Curry: "..." This smile is poisonous.

When Karl Sun asked for a video call with Saxi, he was already on the spaceship that had arrived. Sassi arrived at the meeting hall, and together with Karl, the young alpha nobles who were also called the new generation of geniuses were already sitting here waiting.

The federal human gene optimization, the genius is of course not just Saxi. A just-adult oga of s+ level blasted all these arrogant nobles out. Karl and others heard Saxi's footsteps and immediately stood up. When the eyes met, a polite smile immediately appeared on Carl's gentle and handsome face: "Your Highness Saxi, congratulations on your safe return."

Saxi was wearing a straight military uniform, and his military boots made a slight sound when they stepped on the floor. But alphas are generally sensitive to five senses, and the mere fact that Sassi walked over has already given these top alphas a strong sense of threat.

This is alpha's natural aggressiveness and dominance. The suppression of rank made these aloof and favored ones feel very uncomfortable.

Karl frowned, still maintaining a humble attitude on his face: "Your Highness, we are not here to criticize His Highness's behavior. I believe that Oga will appear in the military headquarters, His Highness is unexpected. We just hope that this matter A satisfactory solution can be obtained.”

"Satisfactory solution?" Sassi slowly sat down on the main seat, leaned on the armrest of the chair, and looked at this young alpha who was about to become the leader of the new generation of parliament with a sneer. Sven, handsome, elegant and full of wisdom.

"What kind of solution do you think is a satisfactory solution?"

Another female alpha stood up. Long straight black hair, a pair of green eyes. The tall figure and cold temperament make her look cold and unsympathetic: "We believe that oga needs to receive education on an equal footing. They have basic personal freedom and can make their own choices and make choices that suit their own wishes. After all, His Royal Highness is not the only alpha in the entire Federation."

"Miss Wu An from the Gu family." Just because Saxi is strong enough to despise everyone, it doesn't mean he can only fight, "What position do you demand from me?"

"A gentleman's alpha stance."

Gu Wu'an raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes seemed calm but he couldn't hide his vigilance from looking at Saxi's expression: "After all, the federal oga protection agency still keeps records of the various hurtful acts His Highness has done to oga."

"Oh really?" Saxi slowly switched sides, crossed her legs, and supported her chin with one hand in disapproval, "What if I don't let go?"

"Then don't blame the Federation Council for filing a lawsuit against His Highness."

A young alpha with green hair stood up, walked over slowly and put his hands on the table: "Isn't Your Highness not interested in oga? If you just detain this poor oga because of his majesty, I think it is very unnecessary. Combat strength, mental strength, and even the purity of blood may not necessarily be the necessary conditions for oga to choose a mate, perhaps he appreciates other better qualities of alpha."

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