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After hesitating, Sophie, a steel researcher, couldn't take it anymore: "Your Highness, can you listen to me?"

Saxi stroked the wet hair on his forehead, feeling a little shriveled in the rest cabin: "What?"

Although comforted by the rest cabin, Saxi's situation is not as good as expected. This irritable state has been maintained for three days, and the live broadcast has been turned on and off repeatedly during the three days. Sophie felt uncomfortable: "Your Excellency Su Lin'an is only twenty years old. To some extent, he is not as mature as His Highness. As the older party, Your Highness can properly communicate..."

"You mean I'm old?" Sophie didn't know that her words had pierced Saxi's sensitive nerves, and her face suddenly changed.

"Ah?" Sophie blinked her eyes, and Saxi suddenly asked, "I don't mean that. Your Highness is only 130 years old, which is young for Dragon Ball. It's just a full year older than His Excellency Su Lin'an." One hundred and ten years old."


Saxi was very upset, very upset: "I know my age, you don't need to remind me specially!"

Steel researcher Sophie finally realizes consciously that Sassi is very concerned about the age difference between the two. Although she didn't see it as a problem, Sassie was fine with it. She suddenly realized something: "Your Highness likes Your Excellency Su Lin'an?"

The words were light and uncertain, but Saxi, who was secretly angry, froze suddenly.

Not only did his limbs become stiff, but his expression also became a little strange: "...you guess my method?"

"Ah, no, Your Highness," Sophie felt that Saxi was good at everything, but this habit of right and wrong was not good, "You understand what your subordinates are saying. If you think it will be more acceptable for you to avoid admitting it, Then I didn't say anything."

Saxi was even angrier: "Sophie! Don't do unnecessary things!"

Sophie had no choice but to persuade her, so she could only reopen the report: "Your Highness, your body's pheromones have fluctuated very much recently. My suggestion is not to rely on inhibitors for the time being. Try to adjust the psychological and physical aspects, and it should be fine. helpful."

Saxi ignored her, grabbed the clothes on the shelf next to the rest cabin, got up and left.


It is said that there is a way to make Su Lin'an come back on his own initiative, but the opportunity did not come so soon.

When Saxi looked through Baiwu's personal information and files, she stumbled upon something, Baiwu, this girl came from the Ural planet.

Planet Ural is an artificial planet.

Unlike its artificial satellites, it is a living planet artificially created by transplanting energy and technology. Created only hundreds of years ago, the energy on the Ural planet can support the survival of intelligent life in the short term.

Coincidentally, the person who created this planet is a Celta star.

Hundreds of years ago, the Celta Star Society was destroyed within fifteen years, its energy was exhausted, and yellow sand was everywhere. Although the war is the direct factor leading to this result, in fact, the more important reason is that the scientists of Planet Celta are looking for a second home. In order to escape the pain caused by the war to the people of Celta, and to preserve the civilization of Celta. They secretly transferred some of the non-renewable resources on the planet. For more than seven hundred years, the orphans of Celta who escaped from the war lived on the Ural planet.

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