1.5K 57 0

There are so many islands, from the berthing station to the venue, Levi ran a straight-line distance. Levi's speed is 120 miles per hour, far exceeding the running speed of a cheetah. And it takes him about five minutes to run straight from the dock at full speed. And Levi only ran for two or three seconds, and Su Linan's mental power started from their positions, covering the entire venue in a circle.

Only this explanation, no other explanation can explain the sign-in result announced by the high-altitude loudspeaker just now. Everyone's spiritual power is unique, and the sign-in can only be signed by people from Su Lin'an.

However, the coverage of this oga's mental power... is too outrageous! Is such a human being! !

Not to mention the horror of the audience everywhere in the high-altitude live broadcast game system, Levi, who was carrying Su Lin'an, was almost scared to death.

"After signing in, there is still one day to adjust the time." Su Lin'an didn't seem to realize what he had done, curled up his hands and feet and looked up innocently at Levi, "Can you put me down, let's go to the top of the mountain?"

Levi immediately choked his saliva into his throat, stuck for a long time before putting him down in a hoarse voice: "... yes."

The media, who were chasing after her, were stopped by the program crew at the entrance of the docking station. However, the news that the S+ level oga's mental strength was so strong that it could cover more than 100 kilometers quickly exploded on the Internet.

For those who specialize in live broadcasting at home, the golden scissors hands are already in place within five minutes of the live broadcast. In just three minutes, Area B of the official live broadcast platform was directly slaughtered by this short video of less than five seconds.

The comments in the next water are all dumbfounded:

[Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! ! ]

[Shocked me for a hundred years? ? ? ? ? ]

[Am I blind or is this world magical? Can mental power be used remotely these days? ? ]

[Can't you? I tried it just now, and my mental strength couldn't even hand in the sweeping robot downstairs in my house! ]

[Who said before that no matter how strong oga's mental strength is, it is only suitable for children? Please, this brother, come out and stand up for a while, I will put an eye in and wait for the later stage to whip the corpse! ]

[Shocked old lady for a hundred years? Who said it before, this oga is very "sexy" at first glance, he must have come here to do a show by sleeping on the LSP who is seen by the dogs of Polya. Brother, please stand up for a moment, my old lady "inserted" an eye, and now I want to whip the corpse! quick! ]

[Fuck, have we oga finally stood up? ? ]

[really? Can this mental threshold be used as a radar? ? Malicious editing, right? ! ]

["Sexist" straight a cancer, please post the mental evaluation form, we only want to worship the oga who is only worthy of children. dog head]

["Hold"! The official blog of Vince's Bridal Home has been deleted! ! ]

["Fuck Fuck"! The official blog of Polya Academy has posted a dynamic! ! ! ]

["Fuck Fuck Fuck"! ! The official blog of the First Federal Military Academy has posted news! ! ! ]


In less than a minute, netizens who came to more than 1,300 planets in the federation almost wiped out the official server. This five-second short video clip is no less than a nuclear explosion detonated on the Federal Holographic Network.

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