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The waves caused by the s+ level oga are not so easy to suppress.

Whether a family can have talented and powerful offspring depends on the bloodline of the parents. In the entire federation, there are less than 100 s-level alphas. If there is an S-class descendant in a big family, it can already guarantee that the family can continue to prosper. And the s+ level oga basically guarantees that the offspring will be at least s level.

If you are lucky, the child born will even surpass the level of the parents themselves. Saxi is a living example.

There are too many alphas in the federation who are breeding advanced cancer, and they dare to do anything in order to reproduce.

Even if the opponent is Sassi, the strongest tyrant in the Federation, in order to get the descendants of S-rank, they can sit down and challenge Sassi's authority regardless of threats. Therefore, in less than a day, Su Lin'an's 3D imaging spread across the holographic network. Everyone knew about Su Lin'an's existence. Countless people have downloaded Su Lin'an's 3D imaging. Even if the military handles it in a timely manner, it is inevitable that the downloaded images cannot be recovered.

For a moment, countless alphas who fantasized about having excellent offspring hugged the image of a beautiful boy like a rose, daydreaming. Even Su Lin'an's praise on the Internet far exceeds that of the national oga Circia, who gave birth to the leader of the federal military department.

The gang of the Federal Parliament harassed the military headquarters every minute, and severely demanded that Saxi release people on major official platforms.

The royal families of the major federation planets also demanded that Sassi grant the beautiful oga the most basic human rights. Everyone is resisting Sassi's dictatorship and dominance. Countless people have listed and accused Sassi of the heinous crimes he has done to oga, reviewing the crimes he has committed one by one. Ask the federal court to give Sassi and enforce a restraining order, save oga, and restrict Sassi from approaching him.

Saxi was so angry that he almost didn't carry a mortar to blow up these nests that breed cancer. His oga dares to think about it, and he is tired of living!

Regardless of the chaos outside, Saxi just won't let anyone go.

"All Tieba forums have been blocked, and all links with images of His Excellency Su Lin'an have been removed. Images have been set as prohibitive conditions, and no one can discuss or spread them online."

But even so, the images and videos that have been downloaded cannot be destroyed.

Curry is also a headache. He is Saxi's adjutant, and his responsibilities cover all matters related to Saxi. From combat logistics to personal affairs of life.

The military department exists as a federal weapon, and the private information of the senior family members of the military department must be strictly protected. The leak of the personal image of the partner of His Royal Highness Saxi, Commander-in-Chief, was also a very serious accident for the military.

"Where are the Sersians?" Saxi's face can no longer be described as cold and hard, and the red vertical pupils are filled with killing intent.

Although Curry didn't know what happened between the father and son of Saxi and Secia, but he had been with Saxi for 97 years, and he knew too clearly Saxi's dislike for Secia: "On the day the information leaked by Your Excellency Su Linan, He has left the military."

"Leaving?" The malice on Saxi's face was like a puff of black smoke, ghastly and terrifying, "He's a good boy, he runs very fast..."

Leaking his oga personal information privately, this account, Saxi will not let it go easily. As for the blood relationship between their father and son, it was not worth mentioning to Saxi.

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