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The old scholars can only wait a little longer. Now that something is going wrong, he has to go back and see what that lunatic did.

Su Lin'an has never felt that the distance between the Fairy Star and the Emperor Star is so far away. He obviously felt that the distance was too short when he used a spaceship to participate in the competition. It's only when I'm anxious that I feel that the fucking distance is frightening!

I don't know how long it took, Su Lin'an finally arrived.

As soon as he arrived at the military headquarters, he rushed to the dormitory building. But obviously, during the period when Saxi was forced to take a vacation, he was not as relaxed as the literal meaning. Many of the follow-up matters that Curry found out on Seablue Star still need him to decide. When he was not in the dormitory, Su Lin'an searched upstairs and downstairs but didn't see Saxi, so he quickly turned around and rushed to the office area.

But I don't know if Saxi avoided him on purpose or it was just a coincidence that there were so many things going on and there was no one in the office area.

Su Lin'an almost searched the military headquarters, and finally found him in the private VIP medical laboratory in the medical area. Also in the room are Sophie, Curry, Karina, Sandler, Thoreau, Levi and others.

All Sassi's cronies were present, and they didn't know what they were discussing, with serious expressions on their faces.

When the door was pushed open with a bang, the people inside looked over instantly, and Su Lin'an's back felt inexplicably cold.

"What, what's the matter?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that Saxi's subordinates have more fierce eyes.

Sandler, a two-meter tall man, stared at the innocent Su Lin'an with two huge eyes. With that expression, he felt that if Saxi was not calming down behind him, he would have jumped over and strangled Su Lin'an to death: "Your Highness, then I'm leaving. The situation on the Marlow Line is not very good recently, and we need to check carefully. Make sure His Highness is healthy." It's okay, I'll hurry back."

Saxi nodded reservedly, and the other familiar and unfamiliar fighters left one by one. But before leaving, Su Lin'an's eyes were somewhat ruthless.

Su Linan let them look at her until there were only Sophie and Curry left in the room.

Sophie didn't look at Su Lin'an, a huge screen on the optical brain terminal was scrolling rapidly. She stared intently at the screen with both eyes, and quickly explained the changes in the above data and the possible reasons: "...In short, fortunately, no major damage was caused to His Highness's body. But the follow-up still needs very strict monitoring. After all, His Highness is an alpha. The sex chromosomes determine the lack of these in the body. Your Highness needs regular injections of estrogen to maintain the activity of the artificial uterus and the nutrition of the embryo.”

"... Are you really pregnant?" Hearing the back, Su Lin'an couldn't help asking.

Saxi didn't speak, but Curry gave him a hard look: "I'm trying to conceive, and I need regular hormone injections for adjustment."

Su Lin'an was confused. There is no positive denial, but it seems to be denied again. He came over, dragged a chair and sat down in front of Saxi's bed. Saxi's face didn't seem to change. But the breath seems to be much softer.

Saxi didn't look at him the whole time, and was flipping through a paper book in his hand. Thick eyelashes covered the eyelids, and the expression was quite pleasant.

Su Lin'an glanced at his hand, it was a book about pregnancy.

Obviously, the lunatic Sassi is seriously going crazy.

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