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The icy and snowy environment, really, Su Lin'an couldn't stand it anymore.

He is a human being, a primitive man with fragile cells. Unlike a certain dragon with rough skin and thick flesh, it also has scales. It feels like there is no constant temperature system to warm him up, and he can immediately perform a lying down in place and never get up again.

"Are you planning to go back now?" Su Lin'an shivered tremblingly. Suddenly it occurred to me that there were two sneakers waiting for him in the snow. I don't know if the two guys got off the aircraft. If you do, you have to spend time looking for him. There are less than a day before the second exam, and he has to rush back to the exam room.

"You want to go now?" Saxi immediately understood what he meant.

"Well," Su Lin'an rubbed his arms, his face was blue from the cold, "I slipped out halfway through the exam, and there are three and a half days until the second stage of the competition."

When it came to the exam, Saxi froze suddenly.

He looked at Su Lin'an, his red pupils flickered slightly: "Have you passed the first stage of the exam?"

"Ang," Su Lin'an nodded, "it's pretty simple."

"Yes, is it?" Rarely did Sahih get stuck. The expression on his face was a little evasive, and he turned away from Su Lin'an, "That's really a bit of a rush. By the way, how did you come here this time? The field allows you to quit midway?"

"It's not allowed to quit midway, is it?"

Su Lin'an remembered that the rules of the game were: 1. Cheating is absolutely not allowed.

2 It is not allowed to contact foreign aid.

3 In order to ensure the absolute fairness of the competition, all the activities of the contestants are announced on the live broadcast platform in real time.

These rules do not include the stipulation that one must not leave the examination room after completing the first stage of the examination. In addition, although his live broadcast system has set up blocking words against Saxi, his words and deeds are open to the public.

Saxi regretted not adding a rule to the competition rules, and he was not allowed to leave the examination room after the staged competition exam.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, and Su Lin turned to leave. Saxi immediately stopped him: "Where are you going?"

"I have to get back to the game."

Su Lin'an felt strange about his sudden surprise, but thought that he had just been traumatized. Su Lin'an's attitude was quite patient: "Are you here? Or are you going back to the military headquarters? Who did the next thing? Have you found out who is behind it?"

"You don't need to 'fuck' this matter, I won't make it easy for those who provoke me."

At this point, Saxi's face immediately turned cold.

Of course Su Lin'an knew that Saxi was not easy to bully. Nodded, "Time is running out, I'll go back first."

Finished, without waiting for Sassi to respond, he explained as he walked: "I have sent Curry the location, and he will arrive soon."

After walking a few steps, I turned to see Saxi's strange expression. Thinking about it, Su Lin'an turned back again: "Otherwise it's the same, I'll compensate you here. Wait until all the people from the military department come over before leaving."

Saxi actually thought that he didn't need anyone to accompany him at all, but his legs walked to Su Lin'an's side uncontrollably. He tore a piece of Su Lin'an's clothes and put it on the ground, and sat down slowly.

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