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It was already half a month after the two of them came out of the dormitory building in full appearance.

Su Lin'an stood up from the bed with scars all over his body, and clenched his fists. After messing around for so long, he didn't feel the slightest bit of fatigue in his body. Probably because of the first two surprises, I feel that he has gradually gotten used to his perverted physical fitness.

It has to be said that human beings have strong adaptability. From being surprised and worried at the beginning to being calm now, it only takes three times to give up moral integrity. Su Lin'an wiped his still tender cheeks expressionlessly. Sure enough, after traveling to the interstellar, his body was indeed affected by some unknown factors, and even his face became much thicker...

Su Lin'an stepped on the soft carpet with bare feet, leaving aside the indescribable marks on the carpet for now. He opened the cloakroom next to the room, stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself carefully.

Except for the bite marks and scratches on his body, and the horrible marks of roses near his lower abdomen, he didn't seem to have changed much.

He frowned and thought for a while, thinking nothing of it. At present, he does not know whether this change will have adverse effects in the long run, but it should be beneficial in the short term.


This time the marking time is indeed a bit long. For half a month, the entire dormitory building was covered by Saxi's pheromone, and even the birds in the sky had to avoid this piece of sky to fly, and neither of them left the room.

To be honest, Su Lin'an suspected that he might starve to death in bed if it wasn't for the timely and fixed feeding of the housekeeping robot.

However, a long time has the advantage of a long time, and the effect is remarkable. Saxi's mental power and pheromones were completely stabilized. After Saxi took a shower, he immediately received a crazy video signal from outside. Curry has been to the dormitory three times during this period, but he was too scared to get too close by Saxi's domineering pheromone. But this time it took too long, he was a little worried, and frantically asked Saxi to go to the medical area for a test.

Although Saxi was not very happy, she went anyway.

The detection speed is very fast, and the results are available in about half an hour.

The medical workers looked at Saxi's new test report and were pleasantly surprised to find that Saxi's mental strength showed signs of growth.

"Is it wrong?" Saxi was also surprised.

Although Sassi is the strongest in the universe, and his body data value is growing very fast, it seems to have entered a bottleneck recently, and the value has not moved for a long time. Sophie once deduced that his body had reached its peak and would maintain this optimal state for a long time to come.

Didn't expect peak state can also break through?

"Your Highness, you can't be wrong," after Sophie was transferred away, her rotten rival brother immediately stepped forward.

In the current laboratory No. 1, the young male beta Yuri with green curly hair pointed to the sudden increase in the healing ability and metabolic value in the report, and explained to Bisaxi's physical examination report a month ago: "This The two stats have increased by 15 times, muscle explosiveness, brain cell activity...these are the basis for the calculation of mental power. So many stats are obviously higher, it can't be a coincidence or a sudden change. Reasonable logic, Your Highness His spiritual power may break through in the near future.”

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