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Su Lin'an hugged Saxi and fell rapidly from the sky, faster and faster. Just when Su Lin'an thought he was taking Saxi farewell to this beautiful world, he suddenly fell into a warm fur. Because the meat underneath was too thick, they bounced it twice.

Climbing up in a daze, Su Lin'an found that they had fallen on the back of a huge red lion. Now the lion is running fast.

Su Lin'an: "????"

When the thick voice came from below, making their ears tingle, Su Lin'an realized that the running red lion below was also Saxi's subordinate. Isn't this the interstellar magic abo world? Why did it suddenly become a world of orcs?

But now is not the time to think about these issues, Su Lin'an hurriedly checked the situation of Saxi.

The wound healed very quickly, and the wound became smaller as the dragon's body shrank. It didn't look like a big wound, but the monster had thousands of mouthparts, which meant that Sassi had thousands of tiny wounds on his body. If the number is too large, it will cause massive blood loss. Saxi's skin was originally white, but now against the backdrop of the red mane, she was as pale as snow that would melt at any moment under the strong light.

But Sassi deserves to be the strongest a in the universe. Even though the blood was pouring down like rain, the wounds on the surface of his body had already healed.

"Saxi, Saxi?" Su Lin'an patted his cheek, his consciousness was drowsy, and he probably wouldn't wake up in a short time.

"Your Excellency Shire," the voice came from the lion's mouth moving at high speed, "Your Highness's mental power is severely damaged now, and he will not wake up for a short time. I will send you back to the base now, please be sure to appease Your Highness."

Before Su Lin'an agreed, he jumped into the egg-shaped building.

The huge egg-shaped building opened from the top, and the moment three living creatures entered, it closed.

Su Lin'an hugged Saxi and hit the ground heavily, and the huge red lion raised its head and roared: "Your Excellency Shire, this place will not be captured by aliens for the time being, please appease Your Highness as soon as possible. Those aliens have absorbed His Highness's spiritual power, and it is very difficult now." Cope with it. We need His Highness's help."

The thick voice hit Su Linan's head, the sky suddenly brightened and then darkened, and the red lion had disappeared.

Although, Su Lin'an: "..."

He also wants to appease Saxi, but he is really not oga ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

At the beginning, biting Saxi was a last resort. He has no memory of how the marking (combination?) was done. Su Lin'an had no choice but to sigh slowly as he looked at the pale and glowing person in his arms.

Looking around, I found that this seemed to be the base's warship berth. So Lin'an hugged Saxi horizontally and chose a direction based on intuition.

The base doesn't look very big from above, but when we landed in it, we found that just one berthing station is already as big as two football fields. The building area is circular, and the ground is smooth, a bit like frosted glass. But the tactile feeling of stepping on it does not belong to glass. Cold, clean and unpopular. Occasionally, I can feel the red light falling on my body, and it can be seen that this place is not as simple as Su Lin'an thought. It's very high up, and you can't see the bottom when you look down. In addition to the huge building complex, this base can accommodate at least hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

But it's normal, a military base does cover a large area.

Su Lin'an walked into a black corridor with Saxi in his arms. The interior of the corridor is thermal. With the temperature approaching, it was as bright as day in an instant.

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