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It is impossible to be killed by blowing up. At the moment when the aircraft exploded, Su Lin'an clearly saw Que Ling take out something from the space button and wrap him and Bai Wu together. However, the huge shock wave caused by the explosion still caused a strong impact. When Su Lin'an opened his eyes again, the three of them were already lying on a piece of gravel.

The grotesque dead branches and broken trees are as dry as the skeleton old woman in fairy tales. The bumpy ground is a bit like Gobi. The undulating potholes and the wind-eroded mountain are full of holes. When a gust of wind blows, the yellow sand is so confusing that people can't open their eyes.

A few seabuckthorn plants sporadically grew among the gravel and sandy soil, truly devastated. Realistic barrenness.

Not far away, there are still dilapidated buildings and vehicles that have been corroded by wind and frost, leaving only empty shells. Collapsed walls, rubble, and plaques with colorful signs. It seems that the neighborhood where people lived many years ago still has the breath of human life. It's just that it's empty now, without a single living figure. A gust of wind blew by, and there was a pungent smell of rancidity in the air.

Su Lin'an got up clutching his arms, and there were two people lying not far away.

The red wig fell out of nowhere, and the black hair underneath was exposed, which was nothing. Su Lin'an hurried over to float him up, Bai Wu's face was covered with black ashes, but luckily he was not injured. Que Ling lying next to Bai Wu was not so lucky. It looked fine from the front, but when turned over, the back was blown to pieces.

It should be that during the explosion just now, Que Ling faced the shock wave with his back to get such serious burns.

Su Lin'an was a little annoyed, picked up Baiwu with one hand and clamped the injured Que Ling with one hand, and looked up at the unaccompanied and dilapidated place. Hesitating which direction to go. The wreckage of the aircraft is still nearby, and the billowing smoke drifts away along the wind. Flames and electric lights blazed from the fuselage, and Que Ling, under his right hand, was moaning softly in the unbearable pain in a coma.

It's annoying! Get involved in something like this. But even so, if Que Ling hadn't wrapped him with something just now, he would probably have been blown to pieces.

"I don't know what the hell you're doing, you'd better pray that your reasons are justified." Su Lin'an cursed in a low voice, "Otherwise, don't worry about Saxi, I'll do justice for the heavens and kill you bastard!"

Kicking the broken stone bitterly, Su Lin'an rummaged through the wreckage of the aircraft to find medical supplies.

Fortunately, I found a box of medicines that I don't know what to do.

Su Lin'an made a rough identification, but didn't recognize them at all. But he wiped it all on Que Ling's wound according to his intuition.

The comatose Que Ling let out a horrific cry, and opened his eyes in a jerk: "What are you doing!"

"Help you." Su Lin'an put down the medicine box, picked up another bottle and opened it, poured a handful into his hand, and slammed it on his wound expressionlessly, "Didn't you see it? I'll give you the medicine."

"Fuck off! You're fucking cold potion!"

Que Ling angrily snatched away the medicine bottle, sweating profusely, pale face, trembling lips to search in the medicine box by herself. Finally, I found a bottle of black and red potion, took it out, and put it in the hands of Su Linan: "This is iodophor, you idiot!"

Su Lin'an sneered, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured it all over his back.

On the grass, there was another horrific cry like killing a pig, and Su Linan finally felt relieved of the anger he had been holding back for a long time.

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