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The size of the aircraft is small, and when it flies high enough, the target for the people below is even smaller.

But the group of Saxi's men can't be summed up as simple fighting madmen. The accuracy is comparable to that of a locator. Sandler turned over and entered the battleship, and immediately pulled the trigger after targeting Su Lin'an's aircraft. The tracking bullets flew across the air, but the aircraft easily dodged like it had eyes on its back. The tracking bombs collided and exploded in mid-air instantly.

Sandler shot again, no matter what tricky angle the aircraft could easily dodge.

Sandler was shocked: "How high is the reaction speed of Your Excellency Su Lin'an?"

"who knows!"

Sandler is the most powerful among the twenty-eight S-level alphas around Saxi, and his shooting accuracy is already comparable to machine positioning. Even Sandler couldn't hit Su Lin'an's aircraft? This reaction speed is terrifying!

Time, someone was shocked.

Saxi's face turned black, and he personally grabbed the weapon in the soldier's hand and bombarded it. However, the aircraft suddenly accelerated, breaking through the atmosphere and disappearing immediately.

"Damn it! Do you think you can escape from my grasp?" Saxi was so angry that he kicked the gun barrel of the Seablue Star battleship, threw the weapon, and flew into the aircraft. The person who flew off the inside personally drove the aircraft to catch up: "Curry, I will leave this to you."

Curry is contacting the manager of Seablue Star, negotiating with them about the issue that Stephen Hyland sent back alive. When you hear an order, answer "Yes" immediately.


Su Lin'an didn't know that Saxi had left the Celta star and caught up. He wrapped the aircraft with mental power before realizing that the mental power was easy to use. Feeling that he is integrated with the aircraft, he can clearly perceive anything outside the aircraft.

"Destination, Emperor Star, military medical area."

It is convenient to have a locator. Even if Su Lin'an doesn't know the place at all, the locator will automatically lock the destination.

The speed of the aircraft is much slower than that of the spaceship, but it is enough for Su Linan.

The fuselage of the aircraft is completely covered by mental power. As long as Su Linan's mental power is not cut off, he will be aware of any changes in the aircraft immediately. This small military aircraft was specially developed by the military for emergency escape during wartime. Generally speaking, the cabin space can only accommodate two people, and the materials stored inside are only enough for two people to store for about ten days.

At the speed of the spaceship, it takes about a day and night to travel from Celta Star to Emperor Star. The speed of the aircraft is about half of the speed of the spacecraft, that is, two days and nights. Enough, enough to reach Emperor Star.

"Didi, Didi."

Su Lin'an's optical brain terminal kept flickering, and when he opened it, Professor Owen's distorted face popped up instantly.

He spoke loudly, and the high-decibel voice almost shattered Su Lin'an's eardrums: "Where are you? Where did you go! The competition started four days ago, why didn't you give me the horse?" Sign in?!"

As an elegant university professor and one of the only two guest mentors in the joint competition, Yang Zhengzheng has a total of 3,768 contestants, and 3,7867 of them have signed in to the dormitory. I didn't arrive at school! He really disintegrated gracefully in minutes, wishing he could rush up and tug Su Linan's ear to let him know the seriousness of the matter!

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