The Finale

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The sun rose bright and early. My plan was in motion. It laid awaiting the unsuspecting Careers just a few hundred feet from the open field that held home to the cornucopia. 

I checked the trap next to the tree and made sure the rope was secured tightly. I then gathered pieces of wood for a campfire. As soon as I lit the fire I needed to head back to the tree where the rope hung waiting for its victim. 

There were four Careers left. 

District 1 female tribute: Champagne 

District 1 male tribute: Marvelous 

District 2 female tribute: Amara

District 2 male tribute: Mason 

and then all I had to worry about was the last tribute from District 9. I had finally remembered her name last night, Flora. 

The plan was that I would lure all the Careers by the fire. I would use the hanging rope to string one up just as I had done the guards during my assessments. I would use my last remaining throwing knife to take one by surprise from the trees. I would use the trap on the ground to catch whoever makes a run for it. How I would kill off the last one..I was still working on it, but I hoped it would come to me quickly before I had to put the plan to action. 

I took one deep breath and opened the locket. I stared down at Jase's smiling face. He was so innocent and pure. He hadn't even killed anyone during the games. He was the most innocent tribute of all of us. He didn't deserve his fate. 

Hatred for the careers burned inside of me as I lit my match and placed it on the wood. The smoke soon rises from the fire hopefully alerting the careers. I quickly started to climb the tree where my pack and weapons were. I had tied them there so I easily descend and climb the tree to set the plan up. 

I had barely made it to my spot when I heard shouts of joy coming closer to me. I could make out four different voices. How stupid, I thought. They didn't even leave one behind to guard the cornucopia. Not that I thought they would anyway. This would mostly be one of the final days of the games so guarding their supplies now was foolish. 

"Hurry before they get away!" A voice shouted. 

"I hope it's the little girl!" Champagne said excitedly, "I want to be the one who rips her head off her tiny body!" My face wrinkled in disgust and hatred. To be honest I was surprised that the careers remained loyal to each other this long, but now wasn't the time to question it. 

Within seconds all four careers stared at the empty campfire. 

"They got away." Mason said almost disappointed. Champagne groaned. 

"It's so hot here. Why can't they just come out and make this whole hassle over with." she said. 

 I'm sorry that our survival is such a drag for you. I wanted to scream at her but I knew deep down she was just a kid too. They were all just brainwashed kids by the capital. I almost felt sorry for them knowing they spent their entire lives training for this moment. 

"Come on they couldn't have gotten too far." Marvelous said. My feeling of empathy had disappeared. Hatred and need for blood only remained. I pulled the throwing knife out and aim it right at Amara.

She fell to the ground with a thud as the knife pierced her chest. 


All the careers turned around and saw her lifeless body. Champagne looked terrified as she swiveled her head around looking for the killer. I nearly laughed. Next would be Marvelous. he would suffer next. I grabbed my rope which was tied with a knot that would tighten around the neck of its victim. 

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